Sunday, March 22, 2009


Here I am waiting to go inside the studio for the taping of this Sunday night's show! It was incredible! Lots of choreographers and noteworthy dance types milling about the bar area. I saw Cameron Mitchell, Kelli Abbey, Travers Ross, Project Moda, Jason Gilkinson,Sarah Boulter, Dancers from Dance Theatre, former contestants and thump thump there goes my heart just beating right out of my chest MR JASON COLEMAN!! To all those who questioned if my love would survive seeing him in flesh and behind the scenes one word YES!! I love him more! Yes, I did have to voice that to him as well! hahahaha Anyway, if you get the opportunity, you must go to a live show! INCREDIBLE! It was an awesome experience, I was so excited to be there and witness the making of my favourite ever show! Highlights for me were JASON, Amy & BJ's table Contemporary, JASON and the dance of the night TALIA's & CHARLES brilliant, divine, innovative CONTEMPORARY that literally blew my mind! At one stage, I had heart hanging from chest and jaw on floor! A Talia/Charles/Jason combination effect! Still, I can't wait to watch tonight!

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