Sunday, February 3, 2008


Hi Everyone,
I am looking very forward to the launch of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE TONIGHT? 7.30pm channel 10...........whoo hoo- i know what I will be doing for the next 3 months! BUT I am looking even more forward to the return to the studio tomorrow for the start of our Dancing Year. Classes resume in Dubbo on Monday 4th Feb, Orange 5th Feb and Forbes, 9th Feb. Plans for Trangie to be advised a.s.a.p. Thankyou so much to everyone who us re-enrolled or who will be joining us as new faces this year. We can't wait! We are still taking enrolments every day and so don't despair, if you want to be a part of Stepping Out in 2008, you still have time to book your place. (hopefully my phone will be up and running this week....word of advice, mobile phones, water and 2 yr olds don't mix!!)
Gail will have catalogues at the studio with all the new cool stuff that we will be able to order in from Dance Pacific!! You can pretty much order today and have your new gear by your next lesson. Gail also tells me she has plans for a Back to Dance Sale on all our floor stock. I do love a sale.
Don't forget to sign our guestbook or drop us a line.

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