Sunday, November 22, 2020



Dear Stepping Out Families,

What a busy but beautiful term we have had in Term 4 in the lead up to our 2020 Concert Series?! Though I am a little sad we can’t house our usual full school spectacular, I am very grateful that we can give our wonderful students the opportunity to perform.  This will be Stepping Out’s 22nd year of holding concerts and we are immensely proud that we have ensured “that the show can still go on” in a year besieged by challenges.  We are aware that for many of our families this is their first foray into dance concerts and I can assure you that this is my first foray into a Covid challenged concert so it’s baby steps for everyone and I trust we are all doing our very best.  We will endeavour to make it as smooth and stress free as possible and we welcome your questions in the exciting lead up.  Hopefully, this newsletter will answer a few more for you.  

COSTUMING At last count, I had ordered 826! My house, the studio and my car boot have all been a haven for all manner of beautiful, glittery things.  Costumes have been going home over the last week or so once we are satisfied with the fit and have considered what accessories may be needed.  This process will continue this week and next week.  We have loved seeing the wide eyed excitement and hope that the children will feel as special as they are going to look.  Please ensure that the costumes are hung and that all matching accessories are kept in a safe place.  Children should not be wearing their costumes until after the concert and then we are quite happy for them to wear them every day if they like.  We will remind you that costumes are not created for comfort.  For some children, costuming will be a very different feel to their usual play clothes and the fabrics used are designed for WOW effect on stage. I will relink the Dancewear Depot link for anyone needing stockings, shoes etc.  Orders must be in by this evening at 6pm.  This order link was attached to our previous newsletter.  Please ensure that your child has the correct dance shoes for each style that they are enrolled in.  

Get Concert Ready!


Please note that our website has a very comprehensive guide to Make Up & Hair.  Go to to get full post and how to instructions on make up for stage.  It will be in November archive.   We will post how to videos. 



MAKE-UP- Foundation, powder, blusher, white/cream eye shadow as base for eye, eye socket shaded with brown eye shadow ( taupe eye shadow for students 8 years & under), black eye liner, white pencil as highlighter, black mascara, false eye lashes ( optional but highly recommended for students from 10 years of age), hot pink lipstick ( under 12s), crimson ( 14 yrs & open.)

TINY TOTS- Parents use your discretion.  Lipstick, blusher, shadow and mascara will be sufficient but ensure it is bright as the lights are very strong and can wash out those gorgeous little faces and we really want to see those beautiful smiles.

Students please ensure you wear white, nude colour or plain underwear under costuming and all straps etc must be pinned and unseen.  Body stockings are available for older students.  We have a whole range of underwear, bras and body stockings for all ages. 

BOYS- Hair in own funky style.  Make up at own discretion and depending on child’s fairness.  Blusher or bronzer usually sufficient.


Please note that all hair styles will need to be slicked back from face.  The best technique is to use a fine tooth comb on damp hair and gel and hairspray to smooth hair and fringes off face.  Please ensure you use hair bands in matching hair shade or clear elastic bands.  Students with hair accessories please ensure that these are pinned firmly.  Hats, hair ties, hair pieces and wigs need to be pinned thoroughly. We have aimed to be simple this year so that there will not be too many hair changes needed for our students involved in multiple routines. We can have very limited people in dressing rooms so have had to take that into consideration. 



Hair slicked into high ponytail and curled for juniors 12 years & Under.  Hair slicked into high ponytail and straightened for Seniors 13 years & Over.  


CLASSICAL BALLET Hair slicked into Classical Bun.  Please see blog NEWS FROM THE FACTORY FLOOR  for more information if you want clarification on how to pin a ballet bun.  We are happy if students involved in many routines wish to keep their hair in a bun for duration of concert.  


 READY SET DANCE / BALLET Hair must be slicked back from face ( see above) but can be in your own hair style.  We suggest curls but are aware of the limitations of some of our little dancers hair.   They will have headpieces. It will need to be pinned. Ballet Shoes. Ballet stockings. 



“IT’S A WRAP”  - If your child needs help with costume changes please ensure that their second costume comes in a garment bag with all necessary accessories enclosed.  We will have helpers to assist with changes.  

“AN EVENING FULL OF STARS” - As this is a Showcase of our Classical Ballet & Eisteddfod performers, they are all well versed in quick changes.  Please work in with your team of Mums to coordinate this. 

“ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE” - Please advise us if you feel your child will need assistance.  This must be directed to to keep all requests centralised.  



Classes will be as normal in week 23rd to 28th November at our studio in Mountbatten Drive.  

Saturday 28th November- Extra rehearsals for Performance Students involved in “An Evening Full of Stars.”  See post on Performance Facebook page. 


Classes will be held at DRTCC during this week for all afternoon classes.  READY SET DANCE & BALLET STUDENTS will attend their regular class times at the studio and be involved in a dress rehearsal on Thursday, 3rd December. 

It’s time to get really excited because after all of our hard work in class we are now about to step on to stage for our very first stage rehearsal.  Our stage rehearsals will be held during normal class times on Monday, 30th November  and Tuesday, 1st December at Dubbo Regional Theatre, Darling St.  The students are asked to please enter through the backstage entrance at Carrington Ave where your child’s name will be marked off the roll.  This is a closed rehearsal and only performers will be allowed entry beyond stage doors and area. Unfortunately, parents are NOT PERMITTED to wait inside the building due to Covid rules and regulations enforced by Dubbo Regional Theatre.  Children will be within the theatre itself and on stage.  The backstage entrance will be manned at all times and students will be escorted to door to await pick up.  Parents and caregivers will need to come to door to collect their children. 

Stagecraft Rehearsals prepare the students for the correct manner to enter and exit the stage, the stage dimensions and other important features of Performance.  They are an important and exciting lead up to Dress Rehearsals and our Concert and are sure to combat all the nerves and ensure the performers are feeling prepared, confident and most importantly, very excited about their performance. 

Students should come dressed in dancewear and the entire faculty will be present on the day to keep a watchful eye over our stars. Please collect your child from the backstage entrance at the close of their rehearsal. 


This year we are holding our dress rehearsals over three afternoons. We understand that for some children this will mean they will be required due to their number of classes and segments they are performing in over a few days. Please appreciate that every decision we make is in the very best interests of the students and within the current COVID climate, very necessary. We feel our students benefit best when it is less busy, less congested in the back of the theatre and when we have more precious time on stage to ensure that our lighting, sound and other effects will best enhance our students and ensure that it is a magical and memorable time for them. We also appreciate that it’s a busy time of year and people work and there is the rush after school so we understand that the students may not be picture perfect. We know they will look absolutely beautiful on the days of the concert. We do ask that if you are unsure of hair and make up that you do practise on the dress rehearsal days so we can best guide you. Otherwise, there is no expectation for hair and make up on these rehearsal days. ALL DRESS REHEARSALS WILL BE HELD AT DRTCC, following same guidelines as per stage rehearsals. 

“AN EVENING FULL OF STARS” - Wednesday 2nd December 4-7pm Students will be required to be in attendance from 4-7pm.”

Below is the program as it will appear on the day of concert.  We will aim to adhere to this during rehearsals. 

“IT’S A WRAP”- Thursday 3rd December 



All other students appearing in “IT’S A WRAP” 5.30pm to 7pm. 

Below is the program as it will appear on the day of concert.  We will aim to adhere to this during rehearsals. 

ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE- FRIDAY 4th December 4.30-7pm 

Below is the program as it will appear on the day of concert.  We will aim to adhere to this during rehearsals. 

We realise this is INFORMATION OVERLOAD so I will send out another email next Sunday with information on Concert Day Organisation, arrival times, duration of shows etc to avoid any confusion.  We would also strongly advise that you come along to one of our other concerts to see the talent that is going to be on display from our older students and our performance students.  


We are very fortunate to have the exceptional talents of Winkipop Media ( Sydney based and nationally acclaimed stage photographers) and PressPlay Productions capturing each of our shows through photos and videos.  PressPlay will send out an order form shortly and Winkipop photos will be available to view and order online after the shows.  


Our number one aim is to make every child's concert experience an exciting and magical adventure, and a positive memory that they can treasure forever. This will be our 22nd year of putting on spectacular concerts and with many years of learning and experience we have developed a backstage management system that minimises stress for our students, and maximises efficiency and child safety. This year we will also be dealing with much smaller casts in each concert due to COVID. 

We will be utilising the Convention Centre as dressing room space to allow for social distancing and will have a team of volunteers to assist with supervision and changes. 


We take very seriously the responsibility to produce an event that is safe for our studio community, and we are working closely with Dubbo Regional Theatre to ensure that everything we do is within the current NSW Covid-safe restrictions and following recommended guidelines. 

Thank you! We can’t wait to make precious memories with you! 

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