Dear Parents & Students,
The Countdown to Concert is here with only 4 weeks until our talented students hit the stage! In the lead up to Concert, we will enjoy two additional rehearsals to ensure that the students feel prepared and confident for their Big Day! Our first additional rehearsal will be held at WESLEY HALL, corner of Church St & Carrington Ave on Sunday, 6th December. This rehearsal is Stagecraft and is designed to assist the students with performing on stage, entry, exits, use of the wings etc. We annually hold stagecraft rehearsals and we find them not only enormously beneficial to their final performance but also very fun. We also use this day to hand out costumes in readiness for Dress Rehearsal.
Costumes will be available for collection in foyer during the rehearsals. The balance for costumes will also be payable on this day. Costumes will not be able to be handed out until balances are paid. Please ensure that all fees are also paid before this date ( as this is also a requirement of Concert participation.)
Our Dress Rehearsals will be held at the DUBBO CIVIC CENTRE on Tuesday, 8th Dec & Thursday, 10th December. Professional photography by Colin Rouse will be taken during Dress Rehearsals. Students are only able to have photos taken prior or after timetabled rehearsal. Colin Rouse will also be in attendance at Concert to film a professional DVD. ( order forms will be attached to newsletter issued week commencing 23rd November.)
A Hair & Make up Note will also be available at this time. Hair, make up & costuming is required for Dress Rehearsal. Dress Rehearsals are a very enjoyable and exciting time for students and a reassuring time for parents who can also practise getting it “right” for the Big Day!Please see archive for post "Make Up" if you would like extra guidance.
WESLEY HALL cnr of Church & Carrington Ave, Dubbo
Costume Collection will also be held on this day.
10.30- 11.15am“ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER” involving
* Vincent & Angela
* Paris Burns
* Level 3 & 4 Ballet- The Phantom of the Opera
* Primary Ballet- (Wed class 4-4.45pm)
* Level 2 Ballet- (Tuesday class 4.30-5.30pm)
* Open Ballet- Musical Notes & Composers
* Senior Hip Hop- Rock me Amadeus
12.00-1.30pm “ELVIS & ROCK n ROLL”
* Future Stars Jazz- Hawaiian Elvis (Monday class 3.45)
* 8 years Jazz- I LOVE ROCK N ROLL/MEDLY (Mondays 4.30)
* Intermediate Tap- Bogan Rock (Mondays 7.30)
* Junior Hip Hop- Jailhouse Rock (Tuesdays 4.30)
* 8 years Performance team- Rubberneckin
* Melissa McDonald, Brandi McGuire, Anthony Bartley
1.30-2.30pm “ABBA & BEATLES”
* 12 yrs Jazz- Mama Mia (Mondays 5.30)
* Junior tap- Dancing Queen (Tuesdays 6.30)
* Junior Contemporary- Lucy in the Sky/ Imagine (Tues 5.30)
* 6 years Jazz- Yellow Submarine (Mondays 4.30)
2.30-4.00pm “SUPERSTARS & DIVAS”
* Open Jazz
* Open Performance
* Senior Tap- Paparrazzi
* 10yrs Jazz- Musical Divas (Mondays 5.30)
* 14 yrs Jazz Performance- Michael Jackson
* Courtney Hart
* 10 yrs Performance- James Brown
4.00-5.30pm “LEGENDS”
* Drama Students
* Senior Contemporary- ODE
Thanks guys- this notice will be handed out in class next week but just for you all wanting to get organised. YES, people, I am on FIRE and its not just this scorching heat!I got my kids a giant inflatable pool, an esky of snacks and drinks and have been glued to the computer all day. BUT, as for the laundry..............ummm, well.....