Congratulations to all soloists who travelled to Orange to participate in the Eisteddfod! Big thanks to Miss Leesa, Darienne, Tracey, Narelle, Brandi & Suellen who kept me updated with text messages! So nice that the text messages celebrated everyone's achievements as well as their own. Stepping Out kids, staff and parents are truly very special. Well Done to Everyone! So many great results so If I make any mistakes let me know!! Courtney Hart- 2ND IN MODERN CHAMPIONSHIP!! WHOO HOO! AN INCREDIBLE ACHIEVEMENT. 3rd 12 yrs Classical, 2nd 12 yrs Contemporary, H.C 12 yrs Modern, H.C 12 yrs Demi ( I am sure there is more!) Amber Bunt danced beautifully in everything obtaining H.C in 12 yrs Demi, 2nd in 12 yrs Tap, 2nd in 12 yrs Jazz. Amazing performances by Brandi McGuire in every section she was in. Great results from Paris Burns with 1st in 13 yrs Demi (92 points), 2nd in 13 yrs Classical, 3rd in 13 yrs Contemp, 2nd in 13 yrs Modern and Highly Commended in Championship!A awesome performance by V Man saw him gain an impressive Highly Commended in Open Modern. So proud of you all!! Bec Richardson performed with aplomb in her Contemporary. All sections were very big ( 20 competitors) so it truly is remarkable to be acknowledged when dancing in such fine company! CONGRATULATIONS!
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