Sadly the Slack-Smiths won't be dancing at Forbes Eisteddfod this week! Poor little Cale and Arch have been unwell and we thought it best to sit this one out but have been absolutely buoyed by news of the success happening over in Forbes! Thanks so much for the text updates Darienne! WELL DONE EVERYONE! Special mention must be made to Superdad Bruce Catto who took his little princess Brinley over- its quite the man who will pin a hair piece and touch up make up!! Sure my David dressed up as Jennifer Beals for the DADS OF DANCE calendar but I think he safer doing that than attempting hair, make up and costume changes!! The mind boggles! So the good news is that the kids are having an absolute ball, being beautiful friends to each other, exhibiting excellent sportsmanship and as usual our Stepping Outers are being fantastic support to each other (Mums, dancers & dads!!)
Congratulations to Holly Keizer who got 1st in her Ballet Solo and 2nd in her Jazz Solo. I hear it was the very best she has ever danced and it would have been this fact that must have brought a tear to her Mum's eye! Good girl!! Plus her grandma was in the audience too!! As for me PRIDE STAKES- very high!Also big congratulations to Brinley who got a Medal for Baby dance and then despite her young age, a big 2nd place for her Jazz Solo ( krumping her way to glory and not needing Miss Rikki there to get her onto stage! Impressive!!)
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