Saturday, August 18, 2007


Well done Everyone! While I was at the auditions, "Lucernevale's" resident graffiti artist has struck again................Cale tried to deny it initially but the blue texta around his mouth and all over his hands and jeans gave it away. He finally admitted his guilt but then said "pwetty " (for pretty)." I don't know whether he was trying to suck up to me or had decided that his wall mural was in fact, pwetty. I had a few other words, none of which were "pwetty." Anyway, even that could not dampen my excitement over the wonderful young people who auditioned today. You all went to so much trouble and looked fantastic. Miss Leesa and I are over the moon. Imagine you all by this time next year if you keep up this outstanding effort. Our congratulations. We have had a look through resumes (wow- such brilliant reasons and so many heartfelt responses why you should go to Disneyland.) I loved Jade Bunt's!! She gives alot of great reasons why but my favourite was because she has a DANCE DAD!! Yes, Jade you certainly do!! Look out for Will Bunt and the other dads in the DADS OF DANCE calendar coming your way soon.

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