Thanks to Stefanie for sending through some great photos of the Adult class from Orange. Here you can see them relaxing after their victory- 1st place in the Open Division. I have just managed to consume my first can of Coke Zero in 48hrs and so after 2 and a half days in bed have found the strength to give the Adult blog entry the detail it deserves. I was blown away by their performance on Saturday night. It was cool, it was schmick and most importantly they could actually dance. For those who weren't in the audience, let me paint the picture. The theatre was packed. I had to take Archer (and his pram) down to the car so my parents could look after him which meant a trip in the elevator located in another studio's dressing area. I had to wrangle poor little Arch through a sea of how can I delicately put this, very well endowed women (i think or hope that their abundant chests were props.) I noticed that they were getting into the spirit of their performance by well, drinking spirits!! I was worried- what was this Adult section all about? I sat with Leesa in the audience. The first act was Kath & Kim's (yes complete with g-strings & muffin tops) but they were certainly a crowd favourite. It was a very entertaining number. All those kaths and all those kims shimmying away in unison- very noice!! Next up were the Dolly Parton group. Another crowd favourite. The laughter, the cheering, the applause. I squeezed Leesa hard and said "is ours going to be funny??" She shrank down into her seat and whispered "NO". The curtain opened and there they were, they didn't need novelty, they could actually dance. I was so excited. I clapped, I cheered! Dave broke out into some breakdancing and I lost it. My jaw hit the ground- he was amazing! Their routine was followed by a great tap routine (there was an elderly gent in this one that I absolutely loved-so cute!). We awaited the adjudicator's decision and what do you know FIRST PLACE!!
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