Sunday, October 30, 2016

Stage Rehearsals - Sunday 13th November


The countdown continues.   Tickets go on sale from Monday, November 7th.  They are available in person from the Box Office at DRTCC.  Box Office opens at 9.30am. They can also be purchased online . We cannot stress enough the importance of getting in early to avoid disappointment.  Last year, two shows sold out in two hours.  We now offer a third show and also have alleviated the amount of children in each show by having our gorgeous little Angelina’s perform in only one show.  We know they will put their best foot forward. It is therefore imperative that Angelina parents purchase their tickets on the first day of ticket sales.

Performance Shows for Angelina’s are as follows;
Saturday, 3rd December  2pm  - Friday 9.30am class
Sunday, 4th Dec 11am- Tuesday and Thursday 9.45am classes
Sunday, 4th Dec 5pm – All Saturday Angelina classes
A reminder that tickets are charged at $30 for Adults and $28 for concession.  If your child would like to watch the show before or after their performance, they will need to have a ticket purchased for them. 

It’s time to get really excited because after all of our hard work in class we are now about to step on to stage for our very first stage rehearsal.  Our stage rehearsals will be held on Sunday, 13th November at Dubbo Regional Theatre, Darling St.  The students are asked to please enter through the backstage entrance at Carrington Ave and mark your child’s name off the roll.  This is a closed rehearsal and only performers will be allowed entry beyond stage doors and area.
Stagecraft Rehearsals prepare the students for the correct manner to enter and exit the stage, the stage dimensions and other important features of Performance.  They are an important and exciting lead up to Dress Rehearsals and our Concert and are sure to combat all the nerves and ensure the performers are feeling prepared, confident and most importantly, very excited about their performance. Students should come dressed in dancewear and the entire faculty will be present on the day to keep a watchful eye over our stars.  Please collect your child from the backstage entrance at the close of their rehearsal. 
Times are as follows;

9.15- 10am Saturday 9.30am Angelina class, Saturday 10.15am Angelina class
10- 10.45am- Tues 9.45am, Thurs 9.45am and Friday 9.30am Angelina class
10.45am- 11.30am Pre-Primary and Primary students , Grade 2 & 3
11.30am- 12.30pm Grade 1, Junior Jazz Thursday, Grade 4 students
12.30-1.30pm Intermediate Contemporary, Senior Contemporary, Senior Ballet
1.30- 2.30pm Junior Contemporary, Little Stars Jazz 3.45 Monday, Junior Tap
2.30- 3.30pm 6 years Jazz, 8 years Jazz, Intermediate Tap
3.30-4.30pm 10 years Jazz, 12 years Jazz, 14 years Jazz, Boys Class
4.30- 5.30pm Senior Jazz, Inter Advanced Tap, Senior Tap, Senior Performance
5.30- 6.30pm 8 years Performance, 10/12 years Performance, 14 years Performance

We will also be holding special rehearsals Sunday, 6th November for the following groups;
·      9.30am- 10.30am- Hannah/ Liberty
·      10.30am- 11.30 noon- 10 years Jazz  / 8 years Performance
·      11.30 -12.30 12 years Performance
·      Invitation to all Performance students who would like to appear in the Opening 12.30- 2.30pm
·      2.30- 4pm Intermediate Contemporary Monday 7.15pm class
·      4pm- 5.30pm Senior Contemporary Monday 8pm class
A copy of this note will be posted on our blog under DUBBO NEWS and a link will be on our Facebook page. A Hair & Make Up Note will be sent home shortly ( all info will be available on the blog with a link from Facebook.)

In the coming weeks, we will also be sending home notes regarding our Dress Rehearsal on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd Dec( we have decided to run our rehearsal over two days to ensure it runs more smoothly.  Angelina students will all be on Thursday 1st Dec, 3.30- 4.30pm. First half performers will then run from 5-8pm. Second half performers will rehearse on Friday 2nd Dec.  We will also be sending home an invitation for all Angelina students and their families to attend their special Presentation on the 9th December. As soon as order of appearance is finalized, students will be notified), an invite for anyone who may be interested in volunteering assistance in the countdown, Costume Balances and information regarding the organization of both Dress Rehearsal and Concert Day.

Attached to this note is an order form for concert merchandise and dance supplies.
We are also asking if anyone would like to sponsor a page in our program or advertising space.  Please direct all enquiries to

Our 2016 Presentation will be at the close of our 5pm show for all students other than our Angelina’s .  Colin Rouse will be filming and taking photos of all three shows.  Order forms for DVD's will be available at the studio and be sent home with students.  We ask that all orders be sent directly to Colin Rouse and not left at the studio.  All information will be available on the order envelopes. 


We understand it’s a lot of information and we thank all our studio families once again for the support and enthusiasm you are so kindly extending to us.
We hope you will enjoy the show as much as we have enjoyed producing it.  It truly is a magical and memorable time for our performers and we feel very blessed that you have chosen us to contribute to your children’s precious childhood memories.

Happy Dancing,

Rikki & the Team at Stepping Out Dance Factory

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