Milly Rice, the dynamo got 2nd in 10 yrs Jazz Improvisation. Paris Burns danced in OPEN AGE sections in Modern and Contemporary ( so we talking 15, 16, 17, 18 yr olds) and she is 12!! Paris received 2nd in Modern and 3rd in Contemporary! Very impressive!Good luck to everyone dancing in Groups tomorrow- I am so excited but so nervous too! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! No baby yet from Miss Leesa but I have strange feeling that this weekend is going to be big for STEPPING OUT in more ways than one! Hope you all are in bed now! See you bright and early tomorrow and oh Sonya you've done it again! COSTUMES ARE GOBSMACKING BRILLIANCE and as for the Tinies Tutu's, oh my, family heirlooms! My grand daughters will be wearing that precious costume!ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am so excited! I warn you all now, I am so proud of you, I will definately be crying for a large part of the day but it will be happy tears. Weird I received this email today and it came from a guy called Tom Murasso ( he wrote this after listening to Teach your Children Well- which funnily enough is one of our music choices for 12yrs!It's a Sign!)
"Imagine for a moment growing up knowing only love and
abundance - an environment with no hate, fear, envy,
mistrust, greed, competition, jealously or anger. You’ve
never know anything other than support and love. Never
knowing insecurity or abandonment, you are raised to
believe all things are possible; you only need to imagine
it and know whatever you want will come to you with
patience and focus.
You’re given encouragement to explore your unlimited mind
and the unlimitedness of your infinite potential – to
expand your being and shine your light on everyone you
encounter. Your successes are praised and if you fail, only
encouragement is given. As you grow into your full
awareness, you succeed time and time again as you come to
expect, and accept, the abundance of the universe."
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