I am delirious with a combination of exhaustion & joy! We are only Day 2 into competition and we couldn't be prouder of our Stepping Out Superstars! Every time my phone beeps it is with news of more fantastic results! We have had a strong contingent of Stepping Out supporters in the audience and it has been a pleasure to watch so many of our talented little dancers take to the stage for the very first time in solo competition. Miss Emma and I could not be prouder ( I think the tears today proved it! Miss Leesa has been keeping tabs on you all with text updates!) The results are outstanding but as a proud audience member, the real success has been derived from the smiles on performers faces, the blossoming confidence, the team spirit and support by Stepping Out families and students. Miss Emma and I are in awe of you all.( parents & kids!!)WELL DONE EVERYONE! WE LOVE YOU!
RESULTS ( so far)
* 6 years & U Classical- Holly Keizer 2nd ( so special as she wore Darienne Keizer's tutu( her mum)- everyone should go to the Holly Keizer school of Stress Management! cool as a cucumber!I want to enrol NOW.)
* 6 years & U Tap- Onny Slack-Smith 1st
* BABY DANCE- Brinley Catto 1st ( and Kara Catto worried whether she would even get up on stage! Well she did and that stage was hers!)
* BABY DANCE 6 YRS- 3rd Onny Slack-Smith
* 6 YRS & U JAZZ- 2nd Holly Keizer
* BABY DANCE OPEN- 3rd Ondine Slack-Smith
* 6 YRS & U OPEN CLASSICAL- 1st Ondine Slack-Smith
* 8 YRS & U CLASSICAL- Meg Keizer 3rd, Jade Bunt merit
* 8 YRS & U JAZZ- Kasey Krisante 2nd, Meg Keizer H.C, Jade Bunt H.C
Emma Blake did an absolute amazing job in this section! Well Done!
* 8 YRS & U DEMI- Jade Bunt 1st (Snow White)
* 8 YRS & U MODERN- H.C Meg Keizer ( beautiful!! You should have seen her costume!Very Project Runway!)
* 10 YRS & U DEMI- Imogen SlackSmith H.C
* 10 YRS & U CLASSICAL- Imogen Slack-Smith 3rd ( wow- talk about sob!Who knew Immy could look like a member of Australian Ballet Company? whoops there goes proud mum!)
* 10 YRS & U JAZZ- Milly RIce ( 1st- FAR OUT!! ENERGY & PERSONALITY PLUS!! MISS EMMA you can stop crying now!) Imogen Slack-Smith- 3rd ( whoah!! is that my girl!)Honourable mention to the beautiful Georgia Erskine for a delightful first solo. Little Bella Fisher (Orange studio) also took to the stage in her first ever solo and was incredible! Well done Bella!
* 10 YRS & U MODERN- 3rd Imogen SlackSmith
* 12 YRS ENTERTAINMENT- Brandi McGuire 3rd
* 12 YRS DEMI- Amber Bunt 1st ( remains undefeated) Courtney Hart ( 3rd) Courtney is a trouper- they completely stuffed her prop and you wouldn't have known! So professional!
* 12 YRS Jazz- Courtney Hart ( 1st), Maggie Beach ( 1st), Brandi Mc Guire ( 3rd)Georgina Dickerson ( 3rd)
* 12 YRS BALLET- Paris Burns 1st, Courtney Hart 3rd.
* 12 Yrs Demi- Paris Burns 1st
* 12 YRS TAP- Brandi McGuire ( 1st- so exciting!!), Amber Bunt- 2nd ( Miss Emma is still screaming because these two girls had only had two lessons on them!!)
I can't wait to hear about tomorrow! I have pics- will upload as soon as possible!
Keep checking in guys! We are so excited about Group Day!Thanks Sonya- costumes awesome!I had to flee Eisteddfod ( poor Immy was whisked off stage) so I could get back to teach and rehearsals. If there is anymore news or results from Eisteddfod and I've missed them let me know but my Mums in audience have been trying their best to keep me updated. Thanks Narelle & Suellen!