Here is my Cale, dancing up a storm for the Liberal photographer! You may be interested to know that during his photo shoot he had Beyonce's "Single Ladies" blaring through the ipod speakers and pulled out some new and unique moves!! WHAT IS MISS EMMA TEACHING HIM?? Hahahahahahah I must say, I felt a certain stage mother type surge of adrenalin when I read Headline, "Dubbo's Next Dancing Star in the Making" and have had to calm myself done. Still, isn't it fantastic to see such joy come out of a local boy's outstanding success? Here is my little Cale, "shaking his booty" proudly in the newspaper and it's celebrated? Thankyou to shows like SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE and talented, inspiring individuals like Charles who make dance accessible to mainstream audiences. Hopefully, my little boy will be able to continue being proud and uninhibited in who he is and foster his love for dance or for sport or for wherever his passion will lie. It is just wonderful to see Charle's passion and the athleticism and art of dance in loungerooms all across Australia. There are many more little boys out there like Cale dancing up a storm and as I've always said what better way to move through this life. GO CHARLES! It is so close! ( still when asked who he thought might win SYTYCD Cale did say "ummmm (long pause, then big grin) ME CALE!!") We are hedging our bets and hopes on Charles. Cale, your turn will come. DON"T FORGET TO VOTE!!
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