Thursday, July 31, 2008


Hey There,
Thought I should drop in and say hello................whoah can life slow down just a tad? We are almost in Week 3 of Term 3...craaazy! As usual at the Factory, we have not slowed down! So what has been happening??
Classes are back and along with all of our returnees, we are welcoming new students each week in all three of our locations. Cale has had a stint in hospital....looks to be recovering (we hope! Back to doctor today but he did sleep in until after 11am....that is very un-Cale!)
Miss Emmy J continues to stop traffic with her cool moves and ever transforming bod!! Whoo hoo- looking hot girl!
Miss Leesa is busy, busy, busy with all the USA details. We are pretty much non stop with all the co-ordination between us and the Disney Production team! NEWSFLASH :USA TEAM ALSO NOW APPEARING AT UNIVERSAL STUDIOS, L.A!! Congratulations to the team!
We are also submerged under a heap of CONCERT To Do Lists....we're getting there!
Wellington Eisteddfod is the 9th & 10th of August! Soloists commence 11th August! Orange Eisteddfod is 23rd & 24th August - Soloists performing week before and after Group Weekend! Good Luck to Performance Team members and all soloists!
Disneyland Rehearsals are now weekly ( every Sunday!)
I am really looking forward to the onset of some warmer weather! I am so over Winter!..... of course my motto for next few weeks is BRING ON L.A!!

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