Friday, September 14, 2007


Hi Everyone,

As you know we are taking a team of talented performers to perform at Disneyland next year. It is incredibly exciting. In the lead up to this once in a lifetime opportunity, the performers and their families are embarking upon a fabulous fundraising campaign. Fundraising committees have formed in each of our centres and they are already hard at work. We have some sensational ideas that are going to prove to be loads of fun for everyone. We would appreciate any contribution anyone is willing to make. Your donations, ideas and support of our fundraising enterprises would be very much appreciated. Every little bit is going to help these kids reach for the stars!! Get ready for some good times and join in the fun. I hear that one of Dubbo's first projects is the DADS OF DANCE calendar. 2008 will not be complete without one of these on your walls. This calendar will feature dads in tribute to some of the greatest dance moments from stage and screen. If I was you I'd order your copy soon. These are going to be in demand. There will also be a LAUNCH NIGHT where the "celebrity " dads will be available to personally autograph your copy. This is just the beginning............................

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