Sunday, October 26, 2014


Concert Update
THE COUNTDOWN TO CONCERT IS ON.  Over the coming weeks we will be keeping you informed of important details in the lead up to Concert.  All of our information will be posted to our website  under DUBBO NEWS or on our Facebook Page.  (Hit Like if you haven’t already.)  We aim to make the lead up to Concert an enjoyable and stress free one.
Our thanks to everyone who has supported us in this process by ensuring your child has been measured for their dazzling costumes.  We really appreciate your cooperation and look forward to sharing in this exciting event with you.  A Hair & Make Up Guide will be sent home in November in readiness for Dress Rehearsals and the Big Day.  Photos of how to do hair and make up will also be posted on our website and FB page to assist any new parents.
A REMINDER THAT OUR CONCERT “IMAGINE” will be staged on Sunday, 14th December in two fabulous performances.  Our Matinee Performance will commence at 11am and our evening performance at 5pm.  Students will be required to dance in both performances.  Our 2014 Presentation will be held at the conclusion of our 5pm show.
A STAGE REHEARSAL will be held on Sunday, 30th November at the Dubbo Regional Theatre.  A timetable will be supplied in the lead up to this rehearsal.  Costume Collection will be held during class times on Saturday, 6th December, Monday, 8th December and Tuesday, 9th December.  Balances will be advised prior to these dates and will be payable at time of collection.
A DRESS REHEARSAL will be held on Thursday, 11th December at the Dubbo Regional Theatre and will be a full rehearsal (hair & make up) and will run as per performance order.  This will also be a full technical performance.  Times will be supplied closer to the date. 
TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE FROM 9.30am Monday, 10th NOVEMBER and will be available online from or from the Theatre Box Office ( in person or phone 02 6801 4378.)  Tickets are charged at $26 for ADULT and $22 for Concession.  Tickets for the 5pm show sold very quickly last year so families with a show preference are advised to get in early to avoid disappointment.
We really can’t wait to see the culmination of our 2014 dancing year on the big stage and know that these beautiful young people are going to shine.  We are absolutely thrilled at the work, enthusiasm and energy we are seeing in class. 
Notes will be staggered out over the following weeks so please keep a file at home of all our information.  Copies of all notes handed out will be on noticeboard and copies will also be placed online.  PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ACCOUNTS ARE NOW PAST DUE & WE WOULD APPRECIATE PROMPT PAYMENT.

Happy Dancing – The Team at Stepping Out Dance Factory