Tuesday, December 27, 2011
On behalf of the Slack-Smith family and all at Stepping Out, we wish you a most Magical & Peace Filled Christmas Holiday period. And remember, when you get the chance to sit it out or dance, WE HOPE YOU DANCE.
Let magic, mirth & mayhem reign. Hold your loved ones close. Be Kind. Be thankful. Countdown to 2012 is on.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
We have had the internet down so haven't been able to gush about the pride I feel for what was a most spectacular effort by all involved in this year's Concert. We loved the day from start to finish. Thank you to all of our fabulous parents, staff at DRTCC ( especially David Brown, Brendan & Ross), Stepping Out team, Sonya O'Connor & of course OUR INCREDIBLE STUDENTS. It was a JOY! You are all Superstars and I am most definitely doing my happy dance. Sad farewell to Miss Alicia ( amazing organisation backstage) and our gorgeous Cleo & Milsy ( off to boarding school next year.)
Friday, December 2, 2011
It's finally here and i am strangely calm. I am very excited to see the culmination of our year on stage in two dazzling shows tomorrow. Congratulations to everyone involved in the lead up to our Big Day. Our dress rehearsal was phenomenal and we couldn't be prouder. THE ATMOSPHERE WAS ELECTRIC and there was a lot of love in that theatre.
You all looked so beautiful and danced with heart, soul and passion.
I love how I say ONE MORE SLEEP like it's actually going to happen. Too excited and nervous. See you all tomorrow.
You all looked so beautiful and danced with heart, soul and passion.
I love how I say ONE MORE SLEEP like it's actually going to happen. Too excited and nervous. See you all tomorrow.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Well this time in two weeks we will be recuperating from what promises to be our most memorable concert yet but in the meantime, to get to this blissful state, much needs to happen. DON'T FORGET the following important dates;
* SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27th- STAGECRAFT REHEARSAL at WESLEY HALL ( all students have been given a timetable. Please contact me or check noticeboard if you have misplaced yours.)
* CLASSES MONDAY, 28th & TUESDAY, 29th will be as normal but we will also be using this time for Costume Collection. Balances of costumes will be supplied as they are made available to us from Sonya.
* DRESS REHEARSAL- WEDNESDAY 30th NOVEMBER at Dubbo Regional Theatre. 1st half performers required from 4- 6pm ( all Future Stars & Junior Jazz students will be dismissed at 5pm). 2nd half performers will be required from 6-8pm. Please be prompt and ready, fully dressed with hair & make up by commencement time as this is a full technical rehearsal.
NOTES ON CONCERT DAY ORGANISATION will go home in week before Concert.
* SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27th- STAGECRAFT REHEARSAL at WESLEY HALL ( all students have been given a timetable. Please contact me or check noticeboard if you have misplaced yours.)
* CLASSES MONDAY, 28th & TUESDAY, 29th will be as normal but we will also be using this time for Costume Collection. Balances of costumes will be supplied as they are made available to us from Sonya.
* DRESS REHEARSAL- WEDNESDAY 30th NOVEMBER at Dubbo Regional Theatre. 1st half performers required from 4- 6pm ( all Future Stars & Junior Jazz students will be dismissed at 5pm). 2nd half performers will be required from 6-8pm. Please be prompt and ready, fully dressed with hair & make up by commencement time as this is a full technical rehearsal.
NOTES ON CONCERT DAY ORGANISATION will go home in week before Concert.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Some hair photos
Hair slicked using fine tooth comb and gel to get smooth appearance
Hi Everyone,
Monday's classes were handed their Concert Guide yesterday with important information about Rehearsals ( Stage & Dress) as well as Hair & Make Up.
I APOLOGISE AS IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION THAT JUNIOR JAZZ WAS OMITTED FROM THE LIST FOR DRESS REHEARSAL. JUNIOR JAZZ "Walk Like an Egyptian" will be in the first half ( so 4pm start on Wednesday 30th Nov)but closer to Dress Rehearsals you will be given a program of events.
I have no excuse other than a massive six hours typing up notes and working out programs and a somewhat brain deficiency caused by the commotion of the Slack-Smith kids in the background.
A note correcting this will be given to Junior Jazz next week. ( and can I add, WOW, how amazing is this group?? Miss Emma is doing a brilliant job with them. Energy & Enthusiasm Plus.)
The other concern was for those students who had hair changes. Exhale ladies. It will be ok. We are all there to help ( and there are quite a few experienced mums there). YOU CAN DO IT. Don't get too worried about it especially the curls ( though hair pieces are fabulous! I haven't curled my girls hair in years. I just clip on their flowing locks and away we go) But if you don't want to go to that expense, rags, foam rollers or heated are ideal. If you need to get your daughter's hair out and then up, I really suggest you start with two braids as this keeps the hair staying put all day and all night. I will post some pics for you of the various hair to help.
Monday's classes were handed their Concert Guide yesterday with important information about Rehearsals ( Stage & Dress) as well as Hair & Make Up.
I APOLOGISE AS IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION THAT JUNIOR JAZZ WAS OMITTED FROM THE LIST FOR DRESS REHEARSAL. JUNIOR JAZZ "Walk Like an Egyptian" will be in the first half ( so 4pm start on Wednesday 30th Nov)but closer to Dress Rehearsals you will be given a program of events.
I have no excuse other than a massive six hours typing up notes and working out programs and a somewhat brain deficiency caused by the commotion of the Slack-Smith kids in the background.
A note correcting this will be given to Junior Jazz next week. ( and can I add, WOW, how amazing is this group?? Miss Emma is doing a brilliant job with them. Energy & Enthusiasm Plus.)
The other concern was for those students who had hair changes. Exhale ladies. It will be ok. We are all there to help ( and there are quite a few experienced mums there). YOU CAN DO IT. Don't get too worried about it especially the curls ( though hair pieces are fabulous! I haven't curled my girls hair in years. I just clip on their flowing locks and away we go) But if you don't want to go to that expense, rags, foam rollers or heated are ideal. If you need to get your daughter's hair out and then up, I really suggest you start with two braids as this keeps the hair staying put all day and all night. I will post some pics for you of the various hair to help.
Monday, November 7, 2011
It's that time of year again when we dive into our treasure trove of make up and get our little darlings looking gorgeous for the stage! Why do we need to put make up on the kids? Well, though your little dancer may look like a mini drag queen off stage, I can assure you that on stage, they will just look like their sweet little self (with just a touch more pizzazz.) The lighting used can wipe them out and make it very hard for them to dazzle us with their brightest smiles so they need a little help to highlight their features PLUS IT'S FUN! Little girls love make up!Mums, I feel your's hard to get animated, excited little faces still long enough to weave your magic wand. And then there is the liquid eye liner....oh and the tears, you forget how easily and often little faces can crumple into tears until you spy your pain stakingly applied handi work sliding down their faces. BUT know this, it does get easier and quicker. A little bit of practise before the big day and you are good to go. Remember, children, like animals smell fear! Go into the application with confidence and assertiveness. You are a make up magician. Here is my guide to lighting up our Junior's faces.
* Use a foundation in their shade ( you can go one shade darker than skin tone for stage but make sure you cover neck etc as well). I suggest using a sponge to apply. It's much quicker and much better for coverage. Some skin tones may not require much foundation.
* DO use powder to blot out shininess and it will help rest of make up to go on with ease and stay on.
* Use a white highlighter (shadow or powder form- some have a real sheen or a glitter) and lightly place under eye area and along cheekbone. Get your little one to suck in cheeks and generously apply hot pink blusher (for very rosy cheeks.)
* Closing eyes, cover entire eye area in white or ivory eyeshadow. Using a brown eye shadow cover entire eye lid. Accentuate corner of eye with a darker brown shade. Trace top lid with crayon eye liner in black and extend along eye in a cat's eye. (I use a crayon liner rather than pencil as it is easier on little faces). Use crayon liner under eye as well but below natural line so as to enlarge eyes.
* Use a white eye liner in corner of eyes on both sides.
* If using false eye lashes apply now. Use glue on both lashes and paint along upper lid. Press firmly and hold until fully dry. If not using eye lashes ( on little ones etc) just use mascara on top and lower lashes. Apply LOTS especially if they are fair.
* You can then if you like go over crayon with liquid eye liner ( I use the pen ones) as again they are much easier.
* On fair children , it is important to draw in eye brows in slightly darker shade than hair. Just lightly colour in.
* Outline lips in lip liner- I colour in lips with it as well and then apply lip stick! HOT PINK- as bright as you can find!!
Here are some pics of Immy & Onny in full make up! There are always lots of mums who have been there, done that all before and remember their first days of making up their children and who are only too happy to help! Please ask us if we can help you! Concerts should be fun and not stressful!
It's that time of year again when we dive into our treasure trove of make up and get our little darlings looking gorgeous for the stage! Why do we need to put make up on the kids? Well, though your little dancer may look like a mini drag queen off stage, I can assure you that on stage, they will just look like their sweet little self (with just a touch more pizzazz.) The lighting used can wipe them out and make it very hard for them to dazzle us with their brightest smiles so they need a little help to highlight their features PLUS IT'S FUN! Little girls love make up!Mums, I feel your's hard to get animated, excited little faces still long enough to weave your magic wand. And then there is the liquid eye liner....oh and the tears, you forget how easily and often little faces can crumple into tears until you spy your pain stakingly applied handi work sliding down their faces. BUT know this, it does get easier and quicker. A little bit of practise before the big day and you are good to go. Remember, children, like animals smell fear! Go into the application with confidence and assertiveness. You are a make up magician. Here is my guide to lighting up our Junior's faces.
* Use a foundation in their shade ( you can go one shade darker than skin tone for stage but make sure you cover neck etc as well). I suggest using a sponge to apply. It's much quicker and much better for coverage. Some skin tones may not require much foundation.
* DO use powder to blot out shininess and it will help rest of make up to go on with ease and stay on.
* Use a white highlighter (shadow or powder form- some have a real sheen or a glitter) and lightly place under eye area and along cheekbone. Get your little one to suck in cheeks and generously apply hot pink blusher (for very rosy cheeks.)
* Closing eyes, cover entire eye area in white or ivory eyeshadow. Using a brown eye shadow cover entire eye lid. Accentuate corner of eye with a darker brown shade. Trace top lid with crayon eye liner in black and extend along eye in a cat's eye. (I use a crayon liner rather than pencil as it is easier on little faces). Use crayon liner under eye as well but below natural line so as to enlarge eyes.
* Use a white eye liner in corner of eyes on both sides.
* If using false eye lashes apply now. Use glue on both lashes and paint along upper lid. Press firmly and hold until fully dry. If not using eye lashes ( on little ones etc) just use mascara on top and lower lashes. Apply LOTS especially if they are fair.
* You can then if you like go over crayon with liquid eye liner ( I use the pen ones) as again they are much easier.
* On fair children , it is important to draw in eye brows in slightly darker shade than hair. Just lightly colour in.
* Outline lips in lip liner- I colour in lips with it as well and then apply lip stick! HOT PINK- as bright as you can find!!
Here are some pics of Immy & Onny in full make up! There are always lots of mums who have been there, done that all before and remember their first days of making up their children and who are only too happy to help! Please ask us if we can help you! Concerts should be fun and not stressful!
Whoah! In our first two hours of ticket sales we are overwhelmed by the response. The 5pm show is close to being a sell out and the 11am is selling fast too. If you haven't already done so, time to start booking those seats to see your superstars.
Your notes are going home today about Concert Rehearsals & Hair & Make Up.
Stick it on the fridge or somewhere handy. It is your Concert Bible.
Your notes are going home today about Concert Rehearsals & Hair & Make Up.
Stick it on the fridge or somewhere handy. It is your Concert Bible.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
It's beginning to feel a lot like ...............................Concert
Concert Fever has descended.Miss Emma and I are in a slather of sweat and excitement as we count down to Stepping Out's BIGGEST DAY OF THE YEAR. As frantic and busy as it all is, we really do LOVE it and by the enthusiasm in class, the kids are LOVING it too.
I read an interesting post the other day on another BLOG about Ballet Recitals which mainly consisted of a barrage of angry protests from dance mums about the trials and tribulations of Dance Concert time. I do understand that it is a surreal world for many of you and you must wonder at the costs, the hair requirements, the make up and the creeping anxiety that you are plunging your child into some bizarre Toddlers & Tiaras world but I truly believe that it is also a MAGICAL time. The world needs more magic.
So, though yes, we are all living in an ever increasing demanding and busy world, opportunities such as dance concerts really do allow us to exhale, breathe in some wonder, blow some fairy dust and suspend our disbelief. This is the stuff kids dream of. I really appreciate the families at Stepping Out. We are yet to have any gripes in the lead up to Concert. You all seem so genuinely excited about your child's "moment." Thank you for supporting us in contributing to important childhood memories.
We really are looking foward to sharing in this magical time with you. They are all working so hard. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be astounded by your child's talent and big smile. Why? Because you are their parent and because they make you so proud, regardless of whether they are wiggling their toosh, stunned by the lights or in full flight across the stage. ENJOY! Childhood is so fleeting.
We have some magical moments awaiting you. I can't pick a favourite routine yet. Thanks again for your support and co-operation- it makes it so much easier to focus on the children. Lots more information coming your way over the next few weeks. We will endeavour not to bombard you too much.
I read an interesting post the other day on another BLOG about Ballet Recitals which mainly consisted of a barrage of angry protests from dance mums about the trials and tribulations of Dance Concert time. I do understand that it is a surreal world for many of you and you must wonder at the costs, the hair requirements, the make up and the creeping anxiety that you are plunging your child into some bizarre Toddlers & Tiaras world but I truly believe that it is also a MAGICAL time. The world needs more magic.
So, though yes, we are all living in an ever increasing demanding and busy world, opportunities such as dance concerts really do allow us to exhale, breathe in some wonder, blow some fairy dust and suspend our disbelief. This is the stuff kids dream of. I really appreciate the families at Stepping Out. We are yet to have any gripes in the lead up to Concert. You all seem so genuinely excited about your child's "moment." Thank you for supporting us in contributing to important childhood memories.
We really are looking foward to sharing in this magical time with you. They are all working so hard. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be astounded by your child's talent and big smile. Why? Because you are their parent and because they make you so proud, regardless of whether they are wiggling their toosh, stunned by the lights or in full flight across the stage. ENJOY! Childhood is so fleeting.
We have some magical moments awaiting you. I can't pick a favourite routine yet. Thanks again for your support and co-operation- it makes it so much easier to focus on the children. Lots more information coming your way over the next few weeks. We will endeavour not to bombard you too much.
We aim to make the lead up to Concert an enjoyable and stress free one. Our thanks to everyone who has supported us in this process by ensuring your child has been measured for their dazzling costumes. We really appreciate your co-operation and look forward to sharing in this exciting event with you.
Costumes have been started and are looking spectacular. Your child will look and feel incredible. A Hair & Make Up Guide will be sent home from the 8 th November in readiness for Dress Rehearsals and the Big Day. Photos will also be posted on our website to assist any new parents.
A REMINDER THAT OUR CONCERT “STEP BACK IN TIME” will be staged on Saturday, 3rd December in two fabulous performances. Our matinee performance will commence at 11am and our evening performance at 5pm. Students will be required to dance in both performances. Our 2011 Presentation will be held at the conclusion of our 5pm show.
A STAGE REHEARSAL will be held on Sunday, 27th November. Costume Collection will be held during class times on Monday, 28th & Tuesday, 29th November. Balances will be payable at time of collection. This year, our DRESS REHEARSAL will be held on Wednesday, 30th November and will be a full rehearsal ( hair & make up) and will run as per performance order. This will also be a full technical performance with lighting, audio etc. Times will be supplied closer to the date.
TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE FROM 9am Monday, 7th November and will be available online from or from the Theatre Box Office ( in person or phone 0268 014378.) Tickets are charged at $26 for ADULT and $22 for Concession. Concession rate will be available for group bookings ( 8 or more tickets.)
Tickets for the 5pm show sold very quickly last year so families with a show preference are advised to get in early to avoid disappointment.
We are also asking that students send pics in from 2011 as we compile our 2011 Slideshow. Please bring them into studio or email to
Costumes have been started and are looking spectacular. Your child will look and feel incredible. A Hair & Make Up Guide will be sent home from the 8 th November in readiness for Dress Rehearsals and the Big Day. Photos will also be posted on our website to assist any new parents.
A REMINDER THAT OUR CONCERT “STEP BACK IN TIME” will be staged on Saturday, 3rd December in two fabulous performances. Our matinee performance will commence at 11am and our evening performance at 5pm. Students will be required to dance in both performances. Our 2011 Presentation will be held at the conclusion of our 5pm show.
A STAGE REHEARSAL will be held on Sunday, 27th November. Costume Collection will be held during class times on Monday, 28th & Tuesday, 29th November. Balances will be payable at time of collection. This year, our DRESS REHEARSAL will be held on Wednesday, 30th November and will be a full rehearsal ( hair & make up) and will run as per performance order. This will also be a full technical performance with lighting, audio etc. Times will be supplied closer to the date.
TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE FROM 9am Monday, 7th November and will be available online from or from the Theatre Box Office ( in person or phone 0268 014378.) Tickets are charged at $26 for ADULT and $22 for Concession. Concession rate will be available for group bookings ( 8 or more tickets.)
Tickets for the 5pm show sold very quickly last year so families with a show preference are advised to get in early to avoid disappointment.
We are also asking that students send pics in from 2011 as we compile our 2011 Slideshow. Please bring them into studio or email to
Saturday, October 8, 2011
We hope that everyone has had a fantastic holiday break and is raring to go for Term 4 which we all know is the MOST FUN TERM of the year because it's Concert time. We can't wait to welcome you all back on Monday for a fabulous term and super busy time preparing for "STEP BACK IN TIME." See you in two more sleeps.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
We are delighted to announce that this year's production will be "STEP BACK IN TIME." We will be presenting an entertaining romp back through the ages in two spectacular performances on Saturday, December 3rd at 11am and 5pm. We are already in rehearsals for what will be a most excellent adventure.
In order for our students to be looking their best, COSTUME MEASUREMENTS will be held at the studio on Wednesday 21st September and Thursday 22nd September between 4 and 7 pm. Please ensure that you bring a costume deposit of $30 to this measurement day so that your costumes can be started and you can be looking gorgeous for your big day.
In order for our students to be looking their best, COSTUME MEASUREMENTS will be held at the studio on Wednesday 21st September and Thursday 22nd September between 4 and 7 pm. Please ensure that you bring a costume deposit of $30 to this measurement day so that your costumes can be started and you can be looking gorgeous for your big day.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Our Our Students performed with absolute aplomb at Wellington Eisteddfod receiving outstanding results in both Solo & Group sections. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this Eisteddfod and who waved the Stepping Out banner so high. We loved watching you perform and hearing of your accomplishments.
Stepping Out placed in all Group sections entered which was fantastic as there were so many amazing studios and dancers competing. Our places were as follows, 10 Years Jazz, our formidable ABC BOOGIE 1st place, 14 years Modern 1st place, 12 years Tap, 2nd place, Open Modern, 2nd place, 10 years Modern 3rd place, 12 years Modern 3rd place, Open Tap, 3rd place, 14 years Jazz, Highly Commended, 12 years Jazz, Highly Commended, Open Jazz, 3rd & Highly Commended, Open Contemporary, 2 X Highly Commended.
Again, we had so many solo competitors perform with brilliant results and far too many to list here. Brinley Catto once again received the ENCOURAGEMENT TROPHY for her age division, Rhiannon Griffith had outstanding success in all of her solo sections gaining many 1st places and Holly Keizer also performed exceptionally well with many places in her sections. Other outstanding performers were Kacey Krisante, Meg Keizer, Amelia Rice, Sophia Dickerson, Jade Bunt and Courtney Hart. Amber Bunt had a very successful Eisteddfod and placed in all of her Championships, receiving Highly Commended in Classical Championship, 2nd in Jazz Championship and 3rd in Modern Championship. Courtney Hart was Highly Commended in Jazz Championship. Brandi McGuire also had probably her most successful Eisteddfod ever displaying the rewards from all of her hard work this year. Brandi won the Modern Championship and was 3rd in Jazz Championship. Brandi is also emerging as a very talented choreographer as her success in the Improvisation sections proved. Caitlin Griffith
also enjoyed a very successful Eisteddfod and we were thrilled to hear of her achievements, winning the Modern Championship and 2nd in her Classical Championship. Caitlin was also awarded MOST PROMISING JUNIOR CLASSICAL BALLET DANCER. Paris Burns was 2nd in Ballet Championship and 3rd in the Modern Championship and most thrilling of all awarded the WELLINGTON EISTEDDFOD DANCE SCHOLARSHIP and prize money of $1000. WOW! Congratulations all.
Stepping Out placed in all Group sections entered which was fantastic as there were so many amazing studios and dancers competing. Our places were as follows, 10 Years Jazz, our formidable ABC BOOGIE 1st place, 14 years Modern 1st place, 12 years Tap, 2nd place, Open Modern, 2nd place, 10 years Modern 3rd place, 12 years Modern 3rd place, Open Tap, 3rd place, 14 years Jazz, Highly Commended, 12 years Jazz, Highly Commended, Open Jazz, 3rd & Highly Commended, Open Contemporary, 2 X Highly Commended.
Again, we had so many solo competitors perform with brilliant results and far too many to list here. Brinley Catto once again received the ENCOURAGEMENT TROPHY for her age division, Rhiannon Griffith had outstanding success in all of her solo sections gaining many 1st places and Holly Keizer also performed exceptionally well with many places in her sections. Other outstanding performers were Kacey Krisante, Meg Keizer, Amelia Rice, Sophia Dickerson, Jade Bunt and Courtney Hart. Amber Bunt had a very successful Eisteddfod and placed in all of her Championships, receiving Highly Commended in Classical Championship, 2nd in Jazz Championship and 3rd in Modern Championship. Courtney Hart was Highly Commended in Jazz Championship. Brandi McGuire also had probably her most successful Eisteddfod ever displaying the rewards from all of her hard work this year. Brandi won the Modern Championship and was 3rd in Jazz Championship. Brandi is also emerging as a very talented choreographer as her success in the Improvisation sections proved. Caitlin Griffith
also enjoyed a very successful Eisteddfod and we were thrilled to hear of her achievements, winning the Modern Championship and 2nd in her Classical Championship. Caitlin was also awarded MOST PROMISING JUNIOR CLASSICAL BALLET DANCER. Paris Burns was 2nd in Ballet Championship and 3rd in the Modern Championship and most thrilling of all awarded the WELLINGTON EISTEDDFOD DANCE SCHOLARSHIP and prize money of $1000. WOW! Congratulations all.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
WELLINGTON EISTEDDFOD- Congratulations to everyone
WOW! I am beside myself! We have just had the most amazing week at Wellington. Congratulations to everyone who participated in what was a fun and friendly Eisteddfod. So many gorgeous dancers from throughout the Central West and beyond. I am very proud of our Stepping Out kids. Results to follow.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Wellington Eisteddfod
Hi All,
Wellington Eisteddfod is next Saturday, 6th August ( Juniors 12 years & U) and Sunday, 7th August ( Seniors.) Notes with exact times for each Performance Group are going home Monday, 1st August.
Good Luck to all Competitors for both their troupe and solo performances.
Wellington Eisteddfod is next Saturday, 6th August ( Juniors 12 years & U) and Sunday, 7th August ( Seniors.) Notes with exact times for each Performance Group are going home Monday, 1st August.
Good Luck to all Competitors for both their troupe and solo performances.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Hey All,
Can you believe that we are heading into Term 3 of 2011 already? I can't. Life is speeding by us that's for sure and so is my youngest Evie. Yes, it should be no surprise to my students who saw those tentative first few steps in the final weeks of last term that Evie is now in full throttle and we are all on High Alert. EVIE KNIEVAL IS ON THE LOOSE. No dance floor is safe.
The Slack-Smiths have enjoyed a fantastic two weeks AT HOME. Sure, we've been out and about ( normally not until at least 11am) and only then when we can chisel our PJ's off. So, what's been happening except for Evie's Flights of fancy??. Well, Miss Ondine celebrated her 9th birthday with 37 of her nearest and dearest. To all who were out on the streets of Dubbo on the 2nd July, yes that Party Bus was a rockin. We all had a great time. Onny felt very special to be surrounded by her dance friends, school pals and her family. We also had Molly Nelson, A Stepping Outer and good friend of Onny who shares the same birthday and once the same hospital along for the ride. So, Happy Birthday Molly too.
That same weekend we had the Keenans, better known in the dance world as the AMAZING Dance Unlimited stay with us. So, our little house was home to 9 kids but a great time was enjoyed and Miss Tanya ( Principal of Dance Unlimited) and myself brain stormed each other's concert ideas into the wee hours.
Stepping Out took to the stage for the Bridal Fair on Sunday, 3rd July with outstanding performances by Ondine Slack-Smith, Rhiannon Griffith, Caitlin Griffith, Brinley Catto, Zaidee Catto, Imogen Slack-Smith, Paris Burns, Brandi McGuire, Melissa McDonald, Jess Riley, Amelia Simpson, Kate Delmoro, Courtney Hart, Alyssa Lambert. I know my girls and Bella Keenan had a lot of fun at the Chocolate Fountain while I entertained my own bridal fantasises for my own poor children when they finally say I DO.
Caitlin Griffith, despite battling pneumonia travelled to Sydney with her family to audition for the Australian Ballet Interstate Program. Caitlin really enjoyed the experience especially having Bloch staff at both Bondi and York St drooling over those beautiful feet of hers.
Paris Burns danced at City of Sydney Eisteddfod and was delighted to be awardec HIGHLY COMMENDED in the Ballet Championship. Now as much as I believe in all of my students, I must admit I was blown away as I am aware how incredibly strong the competition is with so many already being in Full Time Dance Study so we were chuffed.
My kids all got to spend some beautiful time with their beautiful friends. I can't believe how lucky we are to be surrounded by so many great people and so honoured that we can call them friends.
I have had many, many enquiries from prospective students. So, if you are a new family reading this, thank you, I really am delighted that you have chosen Stepping Out as the place for your special little person to dance. We are very excited to meet you and hope we fulfil the trust and faith you have placed in us.
Miss Emma moved house in the holidays. Of course, she did. Miss Emma, as we all know doesn't like to be ever still so two weeks on holidays must have seemed like it needing filling with more than shoes. GO GIRL! I just received a message that her Forbes students have just received the most amazing results at Forbes Eisteddfod. YAY!
Anthony Bartley attended Brent Street Winter Camp and I am sure has got us all some incredible new moves. I saw a few on Facebook. BOYS CLASS and HIP HOP watch out.
We also welcomed into our family two new pets, Princess Snowflake and DJ HOP. ( two little bunnies courtsey of the Catto Zoo.)
I am finding music now for classes on Monday. I am so excited to see you all and welcome our new faces. HAPPY TERM 3
Can you believe that we are heading into Term 3 of 2011 already? I can't. Life is speeding by us that's for sure and so is my youngest Evie. Yes, it should be no surprise to my students who saw those tentative first few steps in the final weeks of last term that Evie is now in full throttle and we are all on High Alert. EVIE KNIEVAL IS ON THE LOOSE. No dance floor is safe.
The Slack-Smiths have enjoyed a fantastic two weeks AT HOME. Sure, we've been out and about ( normally not until at least 11am) and only then when we can chisel our PJ's off. So, what's been happening except for Evie's Flights of fancy??. Well, Miss Ondine celebrated her 9th birthday with 37 of her nearest and dearest. To all who were out on the streets of Dubbo on the 2nd July, yes that Party Bus was a rockin. We all had a great time. Onny felt very special to be surrounded by her dance friends, school pals and her family. We also had Molly Nelson, A Stepping Outer and good friend of Onny who shares the same birthday and once the same hospital along for the ride. So, Happy Birthday Molly too.
That same weekend we had the Keenans, better known in the dance world as the AMAZING Dance Unlimited stay with us. So, our little house was home to 9 kids but a great time was enjoyed and Miss Tanya ( Principal of Dance Unlimited) and myself brain stormed each other's concert ideas into the wee hours.
Stepping Out took to the stage for the Bridal Fair on Sunday, 3rd July with outstanding performances by Ondine Slack-Smith, Rhiannon Griffith, Caitlin Griffith, Brinley Catto, Zaidee Catto, Imogen Slack-Smith, Paris Burns, Brandi McGuire, Melissa McDonald, Jess Riley, Amelia Simpson, Kate Delmoro, Courtney Hart, Alyssa Lambert. I know my girls and Bella Keenan had a lot of fun at the Chocolate Fountain while I entertained my own bridal fantasises for my own poor children when they finally say I DO.
Caitlin Griffith, despite battling pneumonia travelled to Sydney with her family to audition for the Australian Ballet Interstate Program. Caitlin really enjoyed the experience especially having Bloch staff at both Bondi and York St drooling over those beautiful feet of hers.
Paris Burns danced at City of Sydney Eisteddfod and was delighted to be awardec HIGHLY COMMENDED in the Ballet Championship. Now as much as I believe in all of my students, I must admit I was blown away as I am aware how incredibly strong the competition is with so many already being in Full Time Dance Study so we were chuffed.
My kids all got to spend some beautiful time with their beautiful friends. I can't believe how lucky we are to be surrounded by so many great people and so honoured that we can call them friends.
I have had many, many enquiries from prospective students. So, if you are a new family reading this, thank you, I really am delighted that you have chosen Stepping Out as the place for your special little person to dance. We are very excited to meet you and hope we fulfil the trust and faith you have placed in us.
Miss Emma moved house in the holidays. Of course, she did. Miss Emma, as we all know doesn't like to be ever still so two weeks on holidays must have seemed like it needing filling with more than shoes. GO GIRL! I just received a message that her Forbes students have just received the most amazing results at Forbes Eisteddfod. YAY!
Anthony Bartley attended Brent Street Winter Camp and I am sure has got us all some incredible new moves. I saw a few on Facebook. BOYS CLASS and HIP HOP watch out.
We also welcomed into our family two new pets, Princess Snowflake and DJ HOP. ( two little bunnies courtsey of the Catto Zoo.)
I am finding music now for classes on Monday. I am so excited to see you all and welcome our new faces. HAPPY TERM 3
I am a big Beatles fan. So many beautiful songs. I was really excited to share with my Junior Modern Performance team, one of my favourite songs. Our version is sung by Dolly Parton. Don't the girls just look gorgeous in their costumes? Who makes all of our beautiful costuming? Why, Sonya O'Connor of course. The sewing machines are on temporary hiatus but getting ready to whirr up for Concert time. Rehearsals will commence this term. Yes, it's that time already!
Angels I have heard on High
Here is our Under 12 Modern Performance Group in their performance of "Angel." I love these kids. Such a pleasure to teach. They all have certainly found their wings this year and are FLYING!
Thank you to Narelle Bunt for keeping me informed on all the wonderful successes of Stepping Out kids at Forbes Eisteddfod during the last week. I loved hearing that tell tale beep beep and knowing good news was on its way. Great Work Girls! Stepping Out students who appeared at Forbes were Laura, Holly & Meg Keizer, Jade & Amber Bunt, Brandi McGuire, Melissa McDonald, Paris Burns. I hear they danced amazingly but more importantly had a fantastic time and were equally as fabulous off stage.
Holly Keizer was awarded the ENCOURAGEMENT TROPHY for 8 years & Under, her second such special award this year and received outstanding places in all of her divisions. Likewise, Laura & Meg put in personal best performances and mum Darienne was very proud of all their successes.
Other Major Award winners were Amber Bunt who was successful as a finalist in both the Classical and Jazz Scholarships and was awarded 3rd place in the OPEN Modern Championship. ( quite a feat considering she is only 13.)
Paris Burns enjoyed a very successful Eisteddfod winning the Open Ballet Championship, the Open Modern Championship, the MOST OUTSTANDING DANCER TROPHY and most excitingly, the BALLET SCHOLARSHIP. Paris is cashed up!
Great work everyone. As always, we are very proud of you regardless of your results. It's nice to win but a true winner is NICE! And you all are that and so much more. Bring on Term 3!
Holly Keizer was awarded the ENCOURAGEMENT TROPHY for 8 years & Under, her second such special award this year and received outstanding places in all of her divisions. Likewise, Laura & Meg put in personal best performances and mum Darienne was very proud of all their successes.
Other Major Award winners were Amber Bunt who was successful as a finalist in both the Classical and Jazz Scholarships and was awarded 3rd place in the OPEN Modern Championship. ( quite a feat considering she is only 13.)
Paris Burns enjoyed a very successful Eisteddfod winning the Open Ballet Championship, the Open Modern Championship, the MOST OUTSTANDING DANCER TROPHY and most excitingly, the BALLET SCHOLARSHIP. Paris is cashed up!
Great work everyone. As always, we are very proud of you regardless of your results. It's nice to win but a true winner is NICE! And you all are that and so much more. Bring on Term 3!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Even though we are all having a break from our ABC's with school holidays, seems there is no rest for our Junior Performance Team who were recently featured on WIN NEWS and were also invited to perform at the Grand Eisteddfod Concert. Congratulations Girls.
Monday, July 4, 2011
CONGRATULATIONS PARIS- Outstanding Results at City of Sydney Eisteddfod
Paris Burns is jumping for joy after a successful performance at City of Sydney Eisteddfod. Congratulations Paris. We were amazed and delighted to hear that you received a Highly Commended in the 15 years Ballet Championship amongst such a huge and competitive field of stunning dancers. WOW!When you consider the large number of competitors and the standard of this world class competition, this is truly an outstanding feat. Well Done.
Stepping Out Students appeared at the Dubbo Bridal Fair on Sunday, 3rd July. I DO, I Do, I Do believe they were a smash.
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF OUR AMAZING STUDENTS FOR OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCES DURING SOLO AND GROUP EVENTS AT DUBBO EISTEDDFOD. Congratulations also to all of our fellow competitors who shone so brightly and came together to celebrate a love for Dance & Performance. We really enjoyed the opportunity to share in each other's successes and of course, catch up on all the Razzle Dazzle associated with our Dance World. Stepping Out always participates with the philosophy that it's got to be fun and I was so pleased to see so many of our students embracing the Eisteddfod and being as fantastic off stage as they were on stage. My applause. Miss Emma and I were incredibly proud.
So many great solo results that I fear I won't do them all justice. Stepping Out has lots of wonderful students entering as soloists now and it was a pleasure to share in your growth and development.
Special Mention must be made to little Zaidee Catto who made her stage debut. Congratulations Zaidee. You were amazing and so brave to step out onto that stage and then do your "thang" with such aplomb. GO ZAIDEE and fancy getting first place!! Well Done.
Fantastic performances were made by every one who danced and some notable results. As Stepping Out now has over 50 solo entries, space and time just will not permit to list every single placing but we were lucky enough to get some Major Award recipients.
Congratulations to Paris Burns who was a FINALIST in the REVUE SCHOLARSHIP.
Big Congratulations to Ondine Slack-Smith for highest pointscore by a local dancer ( Under 12s) and Brinley Catto for Encouragement Award. Caitlin Griffith also received a trophy for her Own Choreography.
In the Groups, we were awarded 3rd place, 12 years and 10 years Under Modern. Highly Commended in Open Contemporary, Open Tap, 12 years Tap, 12 years Jazz. 2nd place in 10 years Jazz and 1st place Open Hip Hop.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Congratulations Miss Melissa

NEWSLASH- Our gorgeous, always smiling, multi talented Miss Melissa has just been awarded the Dubbo Eisteddfod Speech & Drama Scholarship ( $1000 to go towards pursuing her Acting Talents!!) We are so very proud! We always knew you were a star! Now you are a cashed up star! Well Done. Can I have your autograph please? Move over Cate Blanchett. Nicole who? Remember her name. Melissa McDonald. You saw her here first!
Dubbo Eisteddfod Dance is but a mere 7 minutes away from commencing.............Let's raise the curtain on a wonderful week. Whoo Hoo.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Can it really be that time of year again?
It seems so....Get your glue gun fired up and get set and ready to BE DAZZLED!!
Best wishes to all the Stepping Out students who will be treading the boards from this Friday onwards. We look forward to seeing you do your very best!
Dubbo Eisteddfod Group Notes have gone home this week. Our Groups will perform on the 18th & 19th June.
Get ready to Shine!
It seems so....Get your glue gun fired up and get set and ready to BE DAZZLED!!
Best wishes to all the Stepping Out students who will be treading the boards from this Friday onwards. We look forward to seeing you do your very best!
Dubbo Eisteddfod Group Notes have gone home this week. Our Groups will perform on the 18th & 19th June.
Get ready to Shine!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Gulgong Eisteddfod Results- Part 2
Finally, ( amidst what has been a huge few weeks) I will continue my spiel on all things "GULGONG!"
Our Senior Students performed with aplomb. Congratulations to Brandi McGuire, Courtney Hart, Paris Burns, Melissa McDonald, Imogen Slack-Smith, Amelia Rice, Amber Bunt for outstanding performances.
Special note to Courtney who was asked to perform the weep inducing Demi Character and high point score winning routine for the Grand Concert. Amber was ecstatic to come 2nd in the Open Jazz Championship and Paris was delighted with her Highly Commended in the Ballet Championship.
Honestly, all these students do so many routines and had so much success, I really just do not have the room to write every result but know this girls we are so incredibly proud of you and can't wait to see you on stage at Dubbo.
Our Senior Students performed with aplomb. Congratulations to Brandi McGuire, Courtney Hart, Paris Burns, Melissa McDonald, Imogen Slack-Smith, Amelia Rice, Amber Bunt for outstanding performances.
Special note to Courtney who was asked to perform the weep inducing Demi Character and high point score winning routine for the Grand Concert. Amber was ecstatic to come 2nd in the Open Jazz Championship and Paris was delighted with her Highly Commended in the Ballet Championship.
Honestly, all these students do so many routines and had so much success, I really just do not have the room to write every result but know this girls we are so incredibly proud of you and can't wait to see you on stage at Dubbo.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I finally have the opportunity to emerge from the blanket of sleep deprivation (thanks Miss Evie) and take some time to pay homage to our outstanding soloists who did us exceptionally proud in Gulgong. I will also endeavour to wash up, answer my mobile, forget to do the laundry ( sorry kids those socks are walking on their own to school, do some year 12 marking and as Master Archer would lead me to believe, most importantly cling on his every word and meet all his demands PRONTO!)
So, while he is momentarily sated by Scooby Doo and Tiny Teddies and Evie has vacated her reserved seating on my lap, I shall report on the WEEK THAT WAS.
The real joy came in seeing our kids take to the stage for the first time this year and their first appearances with new routines and costumes. It was fantastic to catch up with other mums, teachers and dancers from other areas. Toddlers & Tiaras has nothing on all of us. With Dream Duffel bag laden, (can I say a Must have?!) we rode off into the ummmm, fog to Gulgong.
Little Miss Laura Keizer stormed the stage and brought some sunshine to the dreary day with her Jazz ( Walking on Sunshine & Classical.) Laura was awarded 2nd for her classical and Highly Commended for her Jazz. She was so pleased. Our Under 8s Classical students were beautiful. Go Onny, Go Brinley, Go Rhiannon.Congrats to Rhiannon Griffith for a Highly Commended in this section. Holly Keizer shone in the Under 8s Demi Character ( never has there been a more perfect Alice) and won 1st place. Holly was also awarded Highly Commended in her Tap Solo, 1st in her Modern Expressive Solo, 2nd in Song & Dance ( the girl can really sing and this was an Under 12 section), 1st in Modern Expressive Impro and DRUM ROLL "7 & 8 YEARS TROPHY FOR MOST PROMISING DANCERYAY!!style="font-weight:bold;">
Maeve Sparrow danced beautifully in her Modern Solo and received 1st place for a very cleverly performed Classical Ballet Impro. Rhiannon Griffith ( with choreography by Zara Duffy & gorgeous training by Suzanne Duffy)danced beautifully in her Modern and won her Demi Character Solo with a most convincing routine. Brinley Catto received 2nd in her Modern, Highly Commended in both her Impros with fantatsic performances.Congratulations to my Onny who danced up a storm with Singing in the Rain and Rhiannon for her Rocking Robin routine. Rhiannon was also awarded the Trophy for Encouragement Under 8 years. Go Rhiannon.
Paris Burns received 2nd in the Classical Ballet 13/14 years. Brandi McGuire got through her first pointe' dance with finesse' and Courtney Hart received Highly Commended for her Classical. Melissa McDonald also making her pointe' debut received 2nd in the Restricted Demi and Amber Bunt looked like she had been in those pointe shoes for years in the ballet. Well Done Girls.
Brandi McGuire got a 3rd in her Jazz and then everyone fell into bed exhausted. This was just DAY 1.
Day 2 I took a much needed hiatus and relied on the beep beep of mobile alerts. It felt like I was there.Congratulations to Jade Bunt and Meg Keizer who danced beautifully in their Classical Solo. Meg received HC in her Tap Solo, 3rd in her Contemporary solo, 3rd in her Modern Solo and 2nd in her duo with Jade Bunt. Jade received 3rd in her Modern, 2nd in her Contemporary, 1st in her Jazz and in a solo that brought down the house, 1st in her Entertainment. Jade was later awarded the Encouragement Trophy for her age group 9 & 10yrsyay!!
Jody Howard was amazing in her solo debut performance. Well done Jody. Brandi Mcguire received 3rd in her Contemporary in a shiver inducing performance.
to be continued..........................there is loads more.....Evie is irked and Arch has demolished the tiny teddies and my sanity.
So, while he is momentarily sated by Scooby Doo and Tiny Teddies and Evie has vacated her reserved seating on my lap, I shall report on the WEEK THAT WAS.
The real joy came in seeing our kids take to the stage for the first time this year and their first appearances with new routines and costumes. It was fantastic to catch up with other mums, teachers and dancers from other areas. Toddlers & Tiaras has nothing on all of us. With Dream Duffel bag laden, (can I say a Must have?!) we rode off into the ummmm, fog to Gulgong.
Little Miss Laura Keizer stormed the stage and brought some sunshine to the dreary day with her Jazz ( Walking on Sunshine & Classical.) Laura was awarded 2nd for her classical and Highly Commended for her Jazz. She was so pleased. Our Under 8s Classical students were beautiful. Go Onny, Go Brinley, Go Rhiannon.Congrats to Rhiannon Griffith for a Highly Commended in this section. Holly Keizer shone in the Under 8s Demi Character ( never has there been a more perfect Alice) and won 1st place. Holly was also awarded Highly Commended in her Tap Solo, 1st in her Modern Expressive Solo, 2nd in Song & Dance ( the girl can really sing and this was an Under 12 section), 1st in Modern Expressive Impro and DRUM ROLL "7 & 8 YEARS TROPHY FOR MOST PROMISING DANCERYAY!!style="font-weight:bold;">
Maeve Sparrow danced beautifully in her Modern Solo and received 1st place for a very cleverly performed Classical Ballet Impro. Rhiannon Griffith ( with choreography by Zara Duffy & gorgeous training by Suzanne Duffy)danced beautifully in her Modern and won her Demi Character Solo with a most convincing routine. Brinley Catto received 2nd in her Modern, Highly Commended in both her Impros with fantatsic performances.Congratulations to my Onny who danced up a storm with Singing in the Rain and Rhiannon for her Rocking Robin routine. Rhiannon was also awarded the Trophy for Encouragement Under 8 years. Go Rhiannon.
Paris Burns received 2nd in the Classical Ballet 13/14 years. Brandi McGuire got through her first pointe' dance with finesse' and Courtney Hart received Highly Commended for her Classical. Melissa McDonald also making her pointe' debut received 2nd in the Restricted Demi and Amber Bunt looked like she had been in those pointe shoes for years in the ballet. Well Done Girls.
Brandi McGuire got a 3rd in her Jazz and then everyone fell into bed exhausted. This was just DAY 1.
Day 2 I took a much needed hiatus and relied on the beep beep of mobile alerts. It felt like I was there.Congratulations to Jade Bunt and Meg Keizer who danced beautifully in their Classical Solo. Meg received HC in her Tap Solo, 3rd in her Contemporary solo, 3rd in her Modern Solo and 2nd in her duo with Jade Bunt. Jade received 3rd in her Modern, 2nd in her Contemporary, 1st in her Jazz and in a solo that brought down the house, 1st in her Entertainment. Jade was later awarded the Encouragement Trophy for her age group 9 & 10yrsyay!!
Jody Howard was amazing in her solo debut performance. Well done Jody. Brandi Mcguire received 3rd in her Contemporary in a shiver inducing performance.
to be continued..........................there is loads more.....Evie is irked and Arch has demolished the tiny teddies and my sanity.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Gulgong Eisteddfod Results

Well what a week we have all had over at Gulgong! i am slowly recovering. Lots of early starts and very long days. We are very proud of everyone who participated and special thanks to all the Mums, Dads and supporters.
Costumes for 2011 look incredible and Miss Emma and myself were enraptured with our Group performances and the stellar performances all week by our very talented soloists.
* 10yrs Jazz- 1st place
* 12yrs Jazz-1st place
* 14yrs Jazz-1st place
* Open Jazz- 2nd place
* 10yrs Modern- 1st place
* 12yrs Modern- Highly Commended
* 14yrs Modern- 1st place and Highly Commended
* Open Modern- both groups equal 1st
STEPPING OUT was also awarded BEST JUNIOR GROUP and BEST SENIOR GROUP. Our 10 years Jazz won Junior Group with ABC Boogie and Open Modern Dolls were awarded Best Senior Group with the impressive score of 97.
Bring On Dubbo! So relieved we are ready and raring to go.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
So, just letting you know, I am now a very proud and dedicated SOCCER MUM and NETBALL MUM. Funny moment, our costume designer extraordinaire and devoted Aunt, Sonya was spotted at the soccer ovals commenting on how great they looked in their red "costumes!" Try uniforms, but hey, I agree, a little bit of sequin, a little bit of razzle dazzle and they would have looked even better! WHOO !! GO ORANA SPURS! GO ST FUNKY FAIRIES!
I just went a little bit GAGA but am loving the opportunity to support from the sidelines. Let's hope Cale and Onny don't possess my sporting ummm "prowess."
So, after hearing news reports of a Sydney coach who was beseiged by fold out chairs and had to defend himself with scissors, I am hoping, come Eisteddfod season that I don't see any of my beloved stage mums approach with similar weapons of destruction. Pointe shoes can be deadly!
I just went a little bit GAGA but am loving the opportunity to support from the sidelines. Let's hope Cale and Onny don't possess my sporting ummm "prowess."
So, after hearing news reports of a Sydney coach who was beseiged by fold out chairs and had to defend himself with scissors, I am hoping, come Eisteddfod season that I don't see any of my beloved stage mums approach with similar weapons of destruction. Pointe shoes can be deadly!
So yes my phone rings, beeps, vibrates almost sure, it could be anyone. I have had so many calls this week from new students! Term 2 looks set to be big and of course there have been calls wanting some holiday lessons but imagine my surprise when the phone rings, I answer to discover, my old pal MR MICKEY MOUSE inviting us back for a triumphant RETURN USA DANCE TOUR! YAY!! ( Cartwheel, Toyota leap, much squealing, much pinching myself!!)
YES STEPPING OUT IS GOING BACK TO DISNEYLAND IN 2012! Email the gorgeous Miss Leesa at and she will send your way an itinerary ( yes it's even more amazing this time around) and pricing for this incredible adventure. Everyone is welcome. We learnt so much from last trip so if possible, this one will be even better.
YES STEPPING OUT IS GOING BACK TO DISNEYLAND IN 2012! Email the gorgeous Miss Leesa at and she will send your way an itinerary ( yes it's even more amazing this time around) and pricing for this incredible adventure. Everyone is welcome. We learnt so much from last trip so if possible, this one will be even better.
We are on Holidays- Well Amost!
Hey All,
Tomorrow we head off on our annual pilgrimage to Port Stephens or Awesome Bay as Archer calls it!
Please book your privates for second week with me via my mobile number ASAP. ( for all those soloists limbering up for Gulgong.)
All Performance kids were given notes last week about classes on Monday, 25th April. We will be rehearsing our group performances for Gulgong Eisteddfod on this day. We know that Gulgong has snuck up on us but we know you are all busting to get out there and dance so we will make sure in the week leading up to this exciting day that we are ready and raring to go.
You will be notified of Costume Pick up on this day as well. Be prepared to be blown away! They are going to be sensational.
I will be packing the lap top and posting from our balcony overlooking Shoal Bay ( don't you just hate me) but am looking forward to finally taking some time to pause, reflect and exhale on what has been a very hectic but rewarding Term.
I have some fab pics too to share.
Our beautiful Vincent is home and has been teaching at the studio and sharing his genius. He is creating the most stunning Contemporary routine at the moment ( goosebumps!!)
So there is lots to share over coming weeks.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Faster Than the Speed of Light or Open Jazz's Turn Sequence
I, oh lover of words, cannot believe that it has been so long since my last post. No excuses........ok, so I, do have a few. Sure, so I haven't been strolling across a road in Double Bay, ala Jackie O and bottlefeeding my baby, but I have been very busy MOTHERING and by mothering I mean not just my own but the studio too. FLAT CHAT it has been. But back to Jackie O, is this really debate worthy, as a devoted mum myself and fervent multi tasker ( typing this post, washing up, entertaining the boys with a rousing rendition of "this old man", feeding Evie, mastering finger knitting, facebooking and of course online shopping) I realise that in this day and age, we, especially us Mums, have alot to juggle. The times they are a changing and I think instead of villifying working Mums, we should be saluting them. Seems something is very amiss that headlines can be brandishing outrage over a radio announcer's need to feed her baby en route rather than the thousands upon thousands of children who don't get fed at all or live with abuse and neglect.
So to all the tired, multi tasking, harrassed mums I see doing the drop off to dance each day and managing it all with a smile, at times,a tad weary smile but one nonetheless, thank you. I promise I shall add more posts to my ever growing list of daily (mmm I won't use the word "Chores" I'll say agenda.)
* Vincent is in at the studio today choreographing a masterpiece with the Seniors. I can't wait to check in on them very soon.
* Miss Leesa has some big news ( not of a baby kind)
* Gulgong Eisteddfod kicks off Tuesday, 26th April. Group Day 1st May.
* Soloists are all working very hard in finishing off routines for their first Eisteddfods.
* Newsletter OUT this week and loads more posts. I have missed you all.
See what the newspapers have to say about dance teacher crossing the street, baby strapped to her, other four trailing mother duck style and blogging as she dances into the studio.
So to all the tired, multi tasking, harrassed mums I see doing the drop off to dance each day and managing it all with a smile, at times,a tad weary smile but one nonetheless, thank you. I promise I shall add more posts to my ever growing list of daily (mmm I won't use the word "Chores" I'll say agenda.)
* Vincent is in at the studio today choreographing a masterpiece with the Seniors. I can't wait to check in on them very soon.
* Miss Leesa has some big news ( not of a baby kind)
* Gulgong Eisteddfod kicks off Tuesday, 26th April. Group Day 1st May.
* Soloists are all working very hard in finishing off routines for their first Eisteddfods.
* Newsletter OUT this week and loads more posts. I have missed you all.
See what the newspapers have to say about dance teacher crossing the street, baby strapped to her, other four trailing mother duck style and blogging as she dances into the studio.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
BIG REMINDER to Performance students that your Costume Measurement Day is Thursday 3rd & Friday 4th March at 1A St Georges Terrace.
BIG REMINDER to Performance students that your Costume Measurement Day is Thursday 3rd & Friday 4th March at 1A St Georges Terrace.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Whoah- What a Start to the Year
Here we are speeding into Week 3 at the studio and what an incredible few weeks it has been? A huge welcome to all the new faces at the studio and of course all of our existing students from 2010. Classes have been fantastic. There is so much enthusiasm and happiness. A newsletter will be going home shortly with information about 2011, important dates, events, etc. Keep your eyes peeled but all info will also be posted here.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MISS LEESA FOR MONDAY, 13TH FEB! Miss Leesa looks 21 so must be in the near vicinity of that magic number.
I will be heading to the studio soon but just had to pass on my delight at the wonderful, action packed two weeks that have just gone. Performance routines for 2011 are well and truly started. INSPIRED? I SURE AM! AS is the gorgeous Miss Emma, who is truly a Superwoman with cape billowing as she juggles her busy week.
Some of the kids did an incredible workshop with Marko Panzic in Gulgong last week. He was a most inspiring and generous teacher. Pics to follow.
GOOD LUCK TO FORBES STUDENTS who will FINALLY get to perform their Concert this Sunday, 11am at Orange Civic Theatre. ( We were rained out last year!!) So we are all very excited.
Dubbo Measurement Day will be held soon to finalise costuming for 2011. ( Eisteddfod troupes)and if you are doing Solos, entries close next week for Gulgong and end of March for Dubbo Eisteddfods.
See you all soon
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MISS LEESA FOR MONDAY, 13TH FEB! Miss Leesa looks 21 so must be in the near vicinity of that magic number.
I will be heading to the studio soon but just had to pass on my delight at the wonderful, action packed two weeks that have just gone. Performance routines for 2011 are well and truly started. INSPIRED? I SURE AM! AS is the gorgeous Miss Emma, who is truly a Superwoman with cape billowing as she juggles her busy week.
Some of the kids did an incredible workshop with Marko Panzic in Gulgong last week. He was a most inspiring and generous teacher. Pics to follow.
GOOD LUCK TO FORBES STUDENTS who will FINALLY get to perform their Concert this Sunday, 11am at Orange Civic Theatre. ( We were rained out last year!!) So we are all very excited.
Dubbo Measurement Day will be held soon to finalise costuming for 2011. ( Eisteddfod troupes)and if you are doing Solos, entries close next week for Gulgong and end of March for Dubbo Eisteddfods.
See you all soon
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Hi All,
Please email me on if you would like a copy of the 2011 Timetable emailed to you. We will be updating the website with 2011 Timetables soon but we just need for Enrolments to stabilise first so we can be sure that we have sufficient classes for all the interest.
I have had many calls and emails this week and I am counting down to the start of our Dance Year on Monday 7th Feb.
In the meantime, we are thinking of all of our Stepping Out families about to embark on their First Day Back at School next week. GOOD LUCK! Miss Emma will commence her first teaching post at Dubbo Public with Year 1 and in the Slack-Smith Family, we excitedly await Archer's first Day of Pre-School, Cale's FIRST DAY OF KINDY ( Oh my!! is he raring to go?), Ondine's first day of Primary and Imogen's first day of Highschool. As you can see, the next week promises to be a very special and pivotal time in our family and we trust that the next week continues to lay firm foundations to what will be a lifetime of learning and evolving. I will be thinking of you all as you shine those shoes and STEP OUT INTO THE SCHOOL YEAR. In all that you do, be the best that you can be.
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
- William Butler Yeats, 1865 - 1939
Wishing you all an inspiring year of Learning.
Please email me on if you would like a copy of the 2011 Timetable emailed to you. We will be updating the website with 2011 Timetables soon but we just need for Enrolments to stabilise first so we can be sure that we have sufficient classes for all the interest.
I have had many calls and emails this week and I am counting down to the start of our Dance Year on Monday 7th Feb.
In the meantime, we are thinking of all of our Stepping Out families about to embark on their First Day Back at School next week. GOOD LUCK! Miss Emma will commence her first teaching post at Dubbo Public with Year 1 and in the Slack-Smith Family, we excitedly await Archer's first Day of Pre-School, Cale's FIRST DAY OF KINDY ( Oh my!! is he raring to go?), Ondine's first day of Primary and Imogen's first day of Highschool. As you can see, the next week promises to be a very special and pivotal time in our family and we trust that the next week continues to lay firm foundations to what will be a lifetime of learning and evolving. I will be thinking of you all as you shine those shoes and STEP OUT INTO THE SCHOOL YEAR. In all that you do, be the best that you can be.
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
- William Butler Yeats, 1865 - 1939
Wishing you all an inspiring year of Learning.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Hi All,
Yesterday at Enrolment Day, I had yet another light bulb moment when I was able to re discover just how incredibly lucky I am to do what I do, surrounded by such positivity and enthusiasm. I am indeed blessed to be embarking on yet another year of sharing my love for dance with you all. As I listened to student's choices, hopes, dreams, aspirations, requests to be pushed to greater heights, I mused on the power of the spirit and made a vow that I would do my very best to elevate the spirits of all whom I encounter this year. Little Evie was so excited to be back surrounded by you all. How fortunate my family is to have you all laying your footprints in our hearts and minds? Thank you!
I have recently had a few reminders of how important it is to cherish the good and abandon the negative. Our time here is so fleeting but our power to do better and be better is so great! Let's make a difference this year.
Here are some fantastic quotes;
Have a Wonderful Year! Let your Light Shine
Yesterday at Enrolment Day, I had yet another light bulb moment when I was able to re discover just how incredibly lucky I am to do what I do, surrounded by such positivity and enthusiasm. I am indeed blessed to be embarking on yet another year of sharing my love for dance with you all. As I listened to student's choices, hopes, dreams, aspirations, requests to be pushed to greater heights, I mused on the power of the spirit and made a vow that I would do my very best to elevate the spirits of all whom I encounter this year. Little Evie was so excited to be back surrounded by you all. How fortunate my family is to have you all laying your footprints in our hearts and minds? Thank you!
I have recently had a few reminders of how important it is to cherish the good and abandon the negative. Our time here is so fleeting but our power to do better and be better is so great! Let's make a difference this year.
Here are some fantastic quotes;
Have a Wonderful Year! Let your Light Shine
It was so fantastic to welcome back so many familiar and much loved faces. We all enjoyed catching up with our students and families as well as meeting SO MANY more wonderful people. WELCOME TO WHAT WE TRUST WILL BE AN INCREDIBLE YEAR WITH US AT STEPPING OUT! Huge thanks for choosing Stepping Out as your dance destination in 2011. We will strive to surpass your expectations and provide you with an inspirational and nurturing environment.
BIG NEWS! BOYS ONLY CLASS TAUGHT BY THE WONDERFUL ANTHONY BARTLEY TO BE INTRODUCED IN 2011. We have had a lot of interest and are currently taking names so please contact us if you know a boy who wants to release his inner groove.
Interest is also being taken for a Morning Tiny Tots Class. I love my little divas so much and would gladly teach little people every waking moment if I could. We are also happy to add classes if there is sufficient interest so don't be shy if you have a yearning for a particular style or time, let me know.
AND A BIG SHOUT OUT TO THOSE STILL KEEN TO ENROL WITH US- of course you can, give me a call on 0413 361724 and we can be sure to have your toes tapping with us in no time.
Classes for 2011 will commence on Monday, 7th Feb. I am limbering up people. Miss Emma is very pumped- I promise you she has got some amazing moves to teach you this year! Alicia Holland is teaching all of our tap this year and we are very excited to share in more of her tapping talents. Vincent will also be back to guest teach throughout the year! Are we excited? OH YEAH.
BIG NEWS! BOYS ONLY CLASS TAUGHT BY THE WONDERFUL ANTHONY BARTLEY TO BE INTRODUCED IN 2011. We have had a lot of interest and are currently taking names so please contact us if you know a boy who wants to release his inner groove.
Interest is also being taken for a Morning Tiny Tots Class. I love my little divas so much and would gladly teach little people every waking moment if I could. We are also happy to add classes if there is sufficient interest so don't be shy if you have a yearning for a particular style or time, let me know.
AND A BIG SHOUT OUT TO THOSE STILL KEEN TO ENROL WITH US- of course you can, give me a call on 0413 361724 and we can be sure to have your toes tapping with us in no time.
Classes for 2011 will commence on Monday, 7th Feb. I am limbering up people. Miss Emma is very pumped- I promise you she has got some amazing moves to teach you this year! Alicia Holland is teaching all of our tap this year and we are very excited to share in more of her tapping talents. Vincent will also be back to guest teach throughout the year! Are we excited? OH YEAH.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

WOW I finally got to sit down and enjoy our 2010 Concert DVD- if I thought it looked spectacular from sidestage well I was completely blown away when I got to see it in its full glory. HUGE CONGRATS to all and a very special thank you to Colin & Laurie Rouse for another wonderful year of capturing our studio and making us look even more wonderful. Rouse Photography has some incredible shots from Concert, both dress rehearsals and live stage shots. I spent 3 fab hrs looking through all the incredible photos from 2010 Concert & Eisteddfods- it was like a year in review, it all came rushing back to me. Go visit Colin & Laurie at their new location, 22 Leonard St and see for yourself. Concert DVDS are still available. Here are some fantastic shots currently being used in our 2011 Advertsing Campaign. Nice work!
Monday, January 10, 2011
My Tiny Dancers
ENROLMENT DAY- Friday 21st January 4-7pm

Hi All,
Getting closer and closer to the start of our dancing year for 2011. We are looking forward to seeing all of our Stepping Out families return and of course very excited about welcoming some new faces in 2011. Our Enrolment Day will be held on Friday 21st January at our studio Unit 7/74 Mountbatten Drive Dubbo between the hours of 4 and 7 pm. Letters to existing students have gone out in the last week so please notify us if you are yet to receive yours. I am working on the 2011 timetable now. Yikes- what a job! A big shout out to the Stepping Out kids currently enjoying Summer Schools in the Performing Arts. Special thanks to Miss Brinley Catto for the most delightful voice message today! Go Brinley! I am sure McDonald College is as wowed by you as you are by them and yes please say Hello to Darcey Bussell for me.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Congratulations KELSEY TAYLOR- 2010 Scholarship Recipient
Big Congratulations to our 2010 Scholarship Recipient Miss Kelsey Taylor. We were thrilled to present this award to a most deserving little dancer who has excelled in all facets of her dancing during 2010. Kelsey is one of those amazing little people who knows the only way to move forward is to work hard and work hard she has. Blessed with natural aptitude and talent, Kelsey uses all her gifts to make sure she makes the most of them. She is very enthusiastic, very focused and an absolute joy to teach. We look forward to working with Kelsey in 2011 and know that she is going to shine. Her infectious smile greets us every class and we are always so impressed with her efforts! GO KELSEY!!
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