Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Congrats Cast of "UNDER THE BIG TOP"
This will be a quick one.....just wanted to say "Congratulations to everyone who starred in UNDER THE BIG TOP" today. We all need a big break but are so proud of you. Backstage was sheer madness and so I await the DVD with great excitement. I will sit down with a glass of bubbly and toast you all. Thanks to everyone who made today so awesome!! Our talented cast, Aaron, The incredible Gail (in awe of you- what a lady!!), Rick (Leesa's dad and creator of the top hat), David (King of my Heart), my brother in law Jonno who came all the way from Sydney and who is our fave uncle, John Ryan (backstage hero), Daniel & Bec, our super doopa sound and lighting crew, Glenys Weldon (a machine!!), Karen McGuire & Narelle Bunt (backstage super dressers), Sonya (for costumes and for dressing Immy & Onny), our appreciative audience and of course my partner in crime Miss Leesa (to share in a mutual dream with your best friend is unbelievable)and the dream team of Miss Emma, Miss Britt and Miss Katie (trangie.) Thanks also to Olivia's dad from Trangie who stopped me in the supermarket tonight to say "a job well done." That was just so nice to hear......thankyou......
NEWSFLASH: ARCHER SLACK-SMITH WALKED ENTIRE LENGTH OF OUR LOUNGEROOM TONIGHT!! (he knew Mummy couldn't cope with him on the go until after Concert)We are very proud and can't wait to see that walk become a strut(insert "Stayin Alive" theme.)
NEWSFLASH: ARCHER SLACK-SMITH WALKED ENTIRE LENGTH OF OUR LOUNGEROOM TONIGHT!! (he knew Mummy couldn't cope with him on the go until after Concert)We are very proud and can't wait to see that walk become a strut(insert "Stayin Alive" theme.)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Ok here we are, my kids are counting down until Santa comes and I am counting down until we fold up THE BIG TOP for the year. Don't forget, if you are in 1st half please report to the stage manager at 2.30pm with hair & make up ready and in costume. You will need to meet in foyer. The tiny tots are to be delivered to the faculty about ten mins before the show starts and we will whisk them backstage for their curtain call. Students performing in the second half are to report to stage manager at the commencement of interval. Bunnies are to report to Miss Rikki who will take them backstage at the start of the interval to get them in the zone for their big OPENING act.
ALL STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED BACKSTAGE AT THE START OF "CARNIVAL" SO THEY CAN TAKE THEIR FINAL BOW FOR 2007. After our Finale, we will have our 2007 Presentation of Awards?? Who will be our lucky recipients?? Very hard decision because you are all special and all SUPERSTARS.
ALL STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED BACKSTAGE AT THE START OF "CARNIVAL" SO THEY CAN TAKE THEIR FINAL BOW FOR 2007. After our Finale, we will have our 2007 Presentation of Awards?? Who will be our lucky recipients?? Very hard decision because you are all special and all SUPERSTARS.
We enjoyed the last of our dress rehearsals yesterday with the friendly faces of Trangie. The kids looked amazing and special thanks to all the mums for travelling to Dubbo to ensure that your child is ready for Saturday. We know that it is a big effort but the smiles on your kids faces said it all. Our Little Learners class also rehearsed yesterday and they looked so cute. Our little men Vance, John and Joshy are real heartbreakers. (look out for a cameo from one of my fave little loves of my life, Cale.)The problem is not getting Cale onto the stage - IT IS GETTING HIM OFF!! Great to see all our Little Learners girls looking so utterly adorable in their tutus. I think there will be a big awwwwwwwwww from the audience. Other notable awwwwwww moments will be the Baby Elephants, the Bunnies and The Animal Parade. They might be unpredictable but they sure are cute.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
BEC RICHARDSON- When Beauty Meets Brains
Fab news! Bec Richardson was awarded Dux of Bunninyong Public tonight. We are so proud of you. Our little women are proving that you can have it all!! Bec has danced with us for a long time and is one of our Performance team members and also a member of the USA team. Bec is a very committed dancer (and obviously student) and best of all she makes us all laugh with her wit! From all at Stepping Out, our Congratulations!! GO GIRL! YOU ROCK! There I think it has been proved, dancing stimulates the else can we explain all these amazing young people. Check out Bec dancing up a storm on Saturday in our Concert. In other academic news, Onny Slack-Smith, Abbi Bartlett, Lucy Roberts, Apryl Rose Jones and Jasmine Lodding all wore their caps and gowns tonight to graduate from Pre School at Little Learners. These little girls will also be performing on Saturday! We can't wait!
Fab news! Bec Richardson was awarded Dux of Bunninyong Public tonight. We are so proud of you. Our little women are proving that you can have it all!! Bec has danced with us for a long time and is one of our Performance team members and also a member of the USA team. Bec is a very committed dancer (and obviously student) and best of all she makes us all laugh with her wit! From all at Stepping Out, our Congratulations!! GO GIRL! YOU ROCK! There I think it has been proved, dancing stimulates the else can we explain all these amazing young people. Check out Bec dancing up a storm on Saturday in our Concert. In other academic news, Onny Slack-Smith, Abbi Bartlett, Lucy Roberts, Apryl Rose Jones and Jasmine Lodding all wore their caps and gowns tonight to graduate from Pre School at Little Learners. These little girls will also be performing on Saturday! We can't wait!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Congratulations to our awesome cast for a spectacular show today. Miss Leesa is an amazing woman. Today was Orange's debut performance and if today was any indication big things await our Orange performers. You all looked like seasoned professionals and we were very proud of you all. Please email me your pics so I can add to our blog. Special thanks to our Dubbo students (and mums and dads and posses') for making the trip. It was fantastic to see you in that beautiful theatre. I can't wait now for our Dubbo show- how exciting!! Big thanks to the Orange theatre and the sound and lighting technicians for a job well done. Thankyou also to Miss Emma, Miss Jacinta, Miss Rachael (Orange's very own) and of course the outstanding Miss Leesa who proved today, like a true pro, THE SHOW MUST GO ON!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Hi Everyone,
What a thrill it was to be at Forbes yesterday for their Dress rehearsal ? I was so blown away by how far the kids have come in 12 months and so proud of our Forbes teachers, Miss Jacinta and Miss Emma. Congratulations on all of your hard work and dedication to the kids. They really looked amazing.................Leesa and I aren't all that easy to impress but I can tell you, we are just so impressed with the standard at Forbes. It was great to see all the kids and we can't wait to see you on stage today. I am just about to hop in the car to go back but thought I should post my happiness at what I saw yesterday in rehearsals. GOOD LUCK GIRLS!! Miss Emma had told me stories about a little girl I taught in 2006 who every week says "Where's Miss Rikki?". I was so excited to think that I had made such an impact on a little four year old and so I went over to little Maddi when I first got there and said, "Here I am??" She burst into tears and ran to Miss Emma and kept o shooting me fearful glances. I tried to tell myself she was just overcome but I think maybe she thought who is that crazy lady?? Anyway, I still had a great time seeing you all. Miss Leesa did too. We are so fortunate to have so many special little people in our world?? I better go and make the mad dash. This is going to be one of those busy weekends. Forbes today........Orange tomorrow (I have just spied Archer who is using next weekend's backdrops as a means to catapault himself skywards!!! ARCHHHHH!!)UPDATE!! just got home and though it was a long day it certainly was a successful one. Congratulations to a very talented cast. You were perfect and made everyone very proud of you. A big pat on the back to Miss Emma & Miss Jacinta for all your effort in making today hugely successful. Fabulous teaching was evident in every routine and it is an absolute credit to both of you. Special thanks to a lovely audience (thanks with the packing up too!!) Thanks Gail for everything. See you all tomorrow in Orange. We need a tour bus.
What a thrill it was to be at Forbes yesterday for their Dress rehearsal ? I was so blown away by how far the kids have come in 12 months and so proud of our Forbes teachers, Miss Jacinta and Miss Emma. Congratulations on all of your hard work and dedication to the kids. They really looked amazing.................Leesa and I aren't all that easy to impress but I can tell you, we are just so impressed with the standard at Forbes. It was great to see all the kids and we can't wait to see you on stage today. I am just about to hop in the car to go back but thought I should post my happiness at what I saw yesterday in rehearsals. GOOD LUCK GIRLS!! Miss Emma had told me stories about a little girl I taught in 2006 who every week says "Where's Miss Rikki?". I was so excited to think that I had made such an impact on a little four year old and so I went over to little Maddi when I first got there and said, "Here I am??" She burst into tears and ran to Miss Emma and kept o shooting me fearful glances. I tried to tell myself she was just overcome but I think maybe she thought who is that crazy lady?? Anyway, I still had a great time seeing you all. Miss Leesa did too. We are so fortunate to have so many special little people in our world?? I better go and make the mad dash. This is going to be one of those busy weekends. Forbes today........Orange tomorrow (I have just spied Archer who is using next weekend's backdrops as a means to catapault himself skywards!!! ARCHHHHH!!)UPDATE!! just got home and though it was a long day it certainly was a successful one. Congratulations to a very talented cast. You were perfect and made everyone very proud of you. A big pat on the back to Miss Emma & Miss Jacinta for all your effort in making today hugely successful. Fabulous teaching was evident in every routine and it is an absolute credit to both of you. Special thanks to a lovely audience (thanks with the packing up too!!) Thanks Gail for everything. See you all tomorrow in Orange. We need a tour bus.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Thanks kids and Mums (and Dads and grandmas !!) The kids looked sensational. We are so excited about Concert. All routines looked amazing so just imagine how you will be on the 22nd December. We will be puffing out our chests for sure. We really appreciate everyone's extra special efforts in what we know is a busy and chaotic time of the season. I promise you it will all be worth it. Good Luck to Miss Leesa and our delightful Orange cast for Dress Rehearsal tomorrow. I will be in Trangie teaching but will be thinking of you all. We are looking forward to Forbes on Saturday and Orange on Sunday. GO TEAM!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I was a proud mum (and dance teacher) sitting in the Civic Centre tonight at the MAGS 2007 Presentation. Aside from the occasional day dream about how the stage would look on Dec 22nd with this or that, I was overwhelmed to witness quite a few Stepping Out kids up on the stage accepting Academic Awards. How can it be possible that our dancers can be so clever too?? Brains, beauty, personality and rhythm and co-ordination!!! Congratulations to Katie Rice (Citizenship Award- Junior School), Yr 3 Academic Awards- Amelia Rice, Immy Slack-Smith (go girl!!), Year 4 Academic Awards- Katie Rice, Alex Gemmell, Samantha Wallace, Year 5 Academic Awards- Paris Burns, Chess Award- Katie Rice (I am intrigued-katie we need to talk) Silver Badge Award- Amelia Rice and Junior School Vice Captain for 2008 Amelia Rice. I know Millie will use her powers for good and not for evil. Well done Girls. I was so proud of you all and yes concert stress and lack of sleep meant I demonstrated my pride quite openly!!!! I am sure we have Stepping Out kids shining at schools everywhere so don't forget to tell me so I can brag about you. Education is so important!!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Hi Everyone,
Fantastic to see so many mums and daughters at the studio today for the Hair & Make up Day!! Sorry about the confusion about who was opening up...hope you enjoyed the sunshine while I made an emergency dash to studio (I didn't have a key) and thanks to Gail for dashing with me. In the lead up to Concert, we don't have much spare was in fact my last day off until Concert!! I was thrilled to see some of the Trangie mums and their gorgeous girls (go Charli, Louwana, Cleo, Ella!!) Great to see everyone sharing in something that I just love and that's preening. There was a time, long ago, (I think somewhere before Baby no 3 and 4) when I wouldn't have dreamt of leaving the house without time and attention to "the look." Now I glam up very rarely but hold onto my bright lipstick until death do I part..................To all the little girls out there, have fun with it. You are little princesses and on December 22nd, it is all about you!! Thankyou to the mums who want their little dancers to look good and feel like superstars. Little Ella Kearin left the studio on the way to a movie looking very Lindsay Lohan. Just think mums, how lucky we are to have our daughters.....these are the days we remember. I have memories of my mum tying my ribbons on my ballet shoes, fixing my tiara and telling me how beautiful I was in my tutu. And to the little girls, please stand still on the morning of December 22nd, don't whinge......know your mummy is more nervous than you and is trying her best. Thankyou Sue Ellen, Regina, Patriece, Rita for lending your expertise. May you all one day yield liquid eyeliner like a mighty swordsman. Check out the pics below.
Fantastic to see so many mums and daughters at the studio today for the Hair & Make up Day!! Sorry about the confusion about who was opening up...hope you enjoyed the sunshine while I made an emergency dash to studio (I didn't have a key) and thanks to Gail for dashing with me. In the lead up to Concert, we don't have much spare was in fact my last day off until Concert!! I was thrilled to see some of the Trangie mums and their gorgeous girls (go Charli, Louwana, Cleo, Ella!!) Great to see everyone sharing in something that I just love and that's preening. There was a time, long ago, (I think somewhere before Baby no 3 and 4) when I wouldn't have dreamt of leaving the house without time and attention to "the look." Now I glam up very rarely but hold onto my bright lipstick until death do I part..................To all the little girls out there, have fun with it. You are little princesses and on December 22nd, it is all about you!! Thankyou to the mums who want their little dancers to look good and feel like superstars. Little Ella Kearin left the studio on the way to a movie looking very Lindsay Lohan. Just think mums, how lucky we are to have our daughters.....these are the days we remember. I have memories of my mum tying my ribbons on my ballet shoes, fixing my tiara and telling me how beautiful I was in my tutu. And to the little girls, please stand still on the morning of December 22nd, don't whinge......know your mummy is more nervous than you and is trying her best. Thankyou Sue Ellen, Regina, Patriece, Rita for lending your expertise. May you all one day yield liquid eyeliner like a mighty swordsman. Check out the pics below.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Well done to all of our Coonamble students and their teacher Miss Brittany. I was fortunate to be out there today with Gail to see everyone hard at work. Thanks to Patriece Grant and Bree for lending a hand and some fabulous mums who also joined in the efforts of making today a success. It is a huge learning curve for everyone out there being Miss Brittany's and Coonamble's first Concert. Well done to all the mums who did their best with make up and hair. We promise you it gets easier. We thought all the kids looked beautiful and looked like they were having a ball. Official countdown- 1 week to go. Our best wishes for a fabulous week of classes and rehearsals. I got to spy some fantastic talent (including 2 great boys or should I say 3, Cale surprised me with an impromptu dance routine on stage and I have to say, "He's got the music in him.") So, Coonamble get ready to ROCK!!
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